16 - headcanons for a reader who loves marvel

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SUMMARY: Headcanons for the reader being a huge marvel nerd & how Derek and the others show their love to you.



- Derek:  is the ultimate supporter of marvel even though he has to admit that he  was never NEVER into it

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- Derek: is the ultimate supporter of marvel even though he has to admit that he was never NEVER into it. Things like iron man, spiderman, antman, and ''HOW MANY OTHER MEN ARE THERE???'' But with modern technology, he's able to keep up like others. So, how does that work for him?

- At first, he was HEAVILY confused with dc. Like, what is the difference? Isn't batman also there? Wait, so when does superman come? Literally, you were about to murder him when you watched captain america and he asked where joker was. But that's ok. Your boy learned and you've trained him well.

- Literally. You've had multiple marvel trivia nights and at first, Derek literally wore a constant look of 'angry' on his face, but the more you did it, the more he started to love it.

- Of course, he reached out to ask for help from Stiles and Scott. Because why are you constantly hanging out with Stiles for hours and talking about some random movie characters? Wait, don't tell him there's comics too. He had to find out the hard way. So, OF COURSE, Stiles let him borrow some comics after you had seen the first film together and had left him heavily confused about the whole world.

- The first time you found a marvel comic randomly by his bed was really confusing because why was Derek keeping that there? So he came clean that he was trying to learn more about marvel before you'd watch the movies. You were in love. You had already confessed your love for each other, but that just made you burst into happiness.

- So Derek kept watching youtube videos (without spoilers for the movies you had not seen and characters that you had not met yet) and literally made a list of the films you'd have to see. Of course, you already knew the list of movies perfectly in your head, but the dedication that Derek showed was special.

- The two of you watched the whole marathon a couple of times and went on movie dates to the cinema. Of course, the releases included Stiles and Scott as well. So Derek was no longer a little jealous of Stiles because he got your references and understood the countless tik toks you sent to him.

- Oh, and, of course, he bought you many marvel gifts and your own comics (with or without Kira's help). He even became a fan himself, even though he would never admit that to anyone but you.

- Stiles: is a marvel stan himself and has been a proud both movie & comic nerd for YEARS. This dude will give you all his comics literally in boxes as soon as you spit out a single sentence about loving marvel. The way this guy will stay up for hours just to talk to you about it and get Derek slightly jealous hehe.

- Scott: just like Stiles, he's been a marvel nerd for years. the two of them literally went to the first releases and have joined multiple groups online to discuss the movies. Unlike Stiles, he says that he's grown slightly out of marvel and doesn't like it as much anymore, but when you mention going to the movies or having a marathon, YOU KNOW HE WILL BE DOWN IN A SECOND TO DO IT.

- Isaac: is a little confused but he's got the spirit. Like, he's seen the first captain america movie and the first iron man, but that's about it. UNTIL you confuse the hell out of him with your constant references, so he's forced to watch everything to understand you. But he loves every minute of it.

- Lydia: definitely denies knowing anything about it at first, but in private, she'll smother you with some fun facts and even make a pinterest board for you for your favorite characters or movies, even though she hasn't seen any of the films. Oh, but if she finds one of the actors hot - hell yes. You're having a marathon of their movies. If we're talking about living in 2023, she'll definitely send you thirst tik toks of your fave actors or characters.

- Allison: can't say that she's super into it, but she knows a few things from Scott and Stiles, so she's at least a bit aware of what's going on, but won't go out of her way to watch the films. She's having enough time with nerds around her already lol.

- Liam: is lowkey a fan himself but on a more cutesy level, where he also (if talking about 2023) sends you tik toks and memes about marvel. Definitely will have a marathon with you and bring lots of snacks. You two even have some time together where you read the comics hehe.

- Theo: just watches the clips on youtube to keep in touch with what's going on, as well as gets annoyed when you send him tik toks or memes about marvel that he doesn't get. But that's why he watches the clips or just randomly googles questions. But although he says he's tired of you talking about marvel and the actors, he loves it secretly.

- Malia: is as confused as it gets about marvel. Superheroes? wdym?? Why are they dressed like that? Why are the movies so long? And why does she like them? She'll definitely watch a whole marathon with you and maybe obsesses with the captain america trilogy (love them though). She's not as into it, but she definitely enjoys the action stuff and rewatches the coolest fight scenes on youtube.

- Kira: is such a sweetie when it comes to you loving marvel. She's literally gotten you several marvel gifts and also helped Derek pick out some of the marvel things he's gotten you. Like, she's invested and likes to see how passionate you get about it. Definitely comes to watch the movies in the cinema to stay invested. Will also send you cool analysis and character breakdown videos.

- Peter: just gets the idea but why would he care, right? They're just stupid heroes and while things like that existed in his time, it's just weird how many movies and things to watch there are these days. But does he stay informed of which one is your favorite? Yes. Does he constantly see Derek trying to figure everything out about them? Yes. He's around enough to slowly start to get your reference, so you might catch him making a spider-man reference too at some point.

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