15 - headcanons for silly moments with the group & derek | part 1

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SUMMARY: Weird and random headcanons for moments with the group & Derek.

WARNINGS: cursing, use of alcohol, sexual references


- Stiles once tripped and fell on absolutely nothing and just laid there instead of getting up

- you didn't think twice but joined him to sleep on the ground

- Scott just laughed and didn't do anything


- Derek always gives you the first bite of his food

- you think it's cute as fuck

- Peter knows he's checking for poison

- you also know that but whatever it's Derek


- Stiles covered his phone to hide something

- you retrieved his phone to find him watching 'do it for the vine' videos

- Scott suggested making a vine together

- Derek tried his best not to let you guys do something utterly stupid

- Peter walked in and asked what the fuck a vine was and why Stiles was only in his underwear


- you told Derek you were proud of him once

- Derek cried and didn't talk to anyone for three days


- you trying to take a selfie with the group

- Derek looks grumpy and stares at the camera

- Stiles already hanging his arm around Scott and starting to lick his face

- Scott ready to flip off the camera

- Lydia hugging Allison and making cute faces together ''selfieeee''

- Peter says 'huh' after the picture has already been taken


- Stiles falls over a lot

- you tell him to have a nice trip


- but then the two of you drink and both sit on the floor

- Derek goes up to you and asks what the hell you're doing

- ''just having a little conversation with gravity''


- whenever you're all in the car you're the one to yell ''COWS''

- Derek corrects you saying that there are also horses there

- Stiles yells ''HORSEY''


- when you're taking Christmas pictures together everyone insists on hanging Christmas lights on Derek

- you also put a Christmas star on his head


- you say stupid pun jokes to the group

- Stiles finds them hilarious and immediately tells another one

- ''That was the best one so far'' says Derek every time

- ''Derek thinks everything she says is funny because he has sex with her'' replied Lydia


- Peter thinks no one can hear him playing Lady Gaga at night

- you and Derek lowkey vibing to it


- Stiles gives you shitty directions while you drive like ''turn here'' at the last fucking second

- ''Why is the passenger princess by the wheel when she should just be enjoying the ride??'' Allison asks

- ''The passenger princess is enjoying the ride- OH SHIT'' you say as you hit every curb

- Lydia gasps every time


- Derek uses 8in1 shampoo

- you have a 10-step skincare routine


- you try your hardest to hit every move in just dance but always end up second

- Derek just swings his body around like a tree during a thunderstorm and gets a perfect score

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