14 - the way she does everything | part 2

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SUMMARY: Derek decides that avoiding you is the best solution. But can he avoid you when you're about to step into danger?



Derek and Scott were in a heated argument much to your uninformed self still trying to shoot some enemies in the game. But after a few hours of sitting in front of the TV in the darkness of the living room, you decided to call it quits and get some sleep.

The boys upstairs had heard you turning off the device and placing the controller back on the shelf by the TV. You got yourself a glass of water and went to lie on the couch again. It was warm and you felt comfortable.

''Let's tone it down, okay? My sister's here and I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable,'' Scott shook his head and sat on his bed.

''I didn't know you had a sister,'' Derek changed his tone from the previously aggressive one to a more curious one.

''Not like you tell me everything about yourself,'' Scott shook his head.

''Well, having an older sister is different... I thought you didn't have any siblings,''

''Now you know...''

Derek felt the tension in Scott's voice. He didn't know why he wanted to know more about his sister, but he couldn't stop himself from talking about her. About you.

''What's she doing here anyway?'' he asked in a ruder tone than he expected.


''How long?''

''However long she wants,''

''Did she used to live here?''


''Why did she come-''

''Okay, what's wrong? I'm sorry my sister's here and it upsets or makes you feel weird, Derek, but no one asked you to come!'' Scott snapped, standing up from the bed.

''It's not weird. I don't care,'' Derek replied in an aggressive voice back.

But he had lied. And Scott had totally heard his heartbeat pick up its pace.

''What?'' Scott asked with a confused expression.

''What?'' Derek question in a low voice.

''You do care...'' Scott continued, carrying a more curious expression on his face now.

Why did Derek's face start to steam up? Scott felt that. Felt Derek get more and more nervous with every passing moment.

''Dude, are you into my sister or something?!'' Scott exclaimed, his mouth wide open, as he flailed his arms toward Derek.

Derek closed his eyes for a second and wiped his forehead.

''You know we can't help how we feel about-''

''Oh, dude...'' Scott sounded disgusted. ''She's my sister!''

''I'm aware of that, Scott,'' Derek rolled his eyes and turned around.

''I'm aware of that, Scott,'' Derek rolled his eyes and turned around

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