12 - ''derek just looked at you like you're his whole world, you idiot''

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SUMMARY: Stiles tries to convince you that Derek has feelings for you

WARNINGS: use of alcohol, slight cursing


''How much beer have you already had?'' Stiles asked, almost in a desperate tone.

''Oh, shut up!'' you protested, picking up the can of beer in front of you. ''A sip!''

''Mhm,'' Stiles nodded sarcastically and hummed.

''You're out of your mind if you think Derek thinks of me more than anything of a friend,'' you scoffed, gulped down some of the beer, and held it tightly in your hand.

''You're joking, right?'' Stiles laughed, then pointed toward Derek's bedroom. ''The guy's practically in love with you!''

''Well, if you shout any longer then he might actually HEAR YOU!'' you voiced, almost yelling the last two words at your friend.

The main door upstairs closed with a loud bang and your two heads turned to look at Derek there. He was watching the two of you like a hawk.

''What's going on?'' he simply asked. ''Are you drinking? It's four in the-''

''Yeah, for in the afternoon, dude,'' Stiles replied, cheering him with a can of beer.

Derek's piercing eyes turned to you.

''Sorry to the loft as the designated hangout spot... but Stiles didn't want to go to school... and my classes ended in the morning,'' you explained with short pauses.

Derek simply blinked back at you.

''That's fine by me. I'll be back in an hour,'' he replied, keeping his gaze on you, then turned and left.

When the door had closed behind your head turned to Stiles with a loud rush. You wished you had a comedic sound effect of a swoosh to accompany your motion.

''Now, what do you have to say about-''

''Come on...'' Stiles interrupted you, flailing his arms. ''Derek just looked at you like you're his whole world, you idiot!''

''DID YOUR EYES SEE WHAT I JUST SAW?'' you yelled and then laughed at Stiles.

''DEATH GLARING IS A SIGN OF LOVE FOR HIM!'' Stiles explained with a loud yell back to you. ''For Christ's sake, go and ask him.''

''Ask him what?'' you flailed your head around and started speaking in a low voice as if imitating someone. You weren't sure who you were imitating. It was all just fumbling out of your mouth like honey dripping from a wooden spoon. ''Oh, Derek, by the way, I've had deep feelings, sexual ones too, about you for almost a year now. Stiles says that your death glare is actually you showing your DEEP, SUPPRESSED feelings for me but you know, Derek, I really don't believe him... what do you have to say?''

For a moment, some seconds, there was silence. Stiles stared at you and bit his lip. That was the loudest noise in the room until the metal door opened loudly again.

''I've got to agree with Stiles on this one,'' Derek spoke in the most casual tone possible.

''I've got to agree with Stiles on this one,'' Derek spoke in the most casual tone possible

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You tilted your head upwards to look at him.

''Shit,'' you whispered.

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