24 - my own hero | part 1

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SUMMARY: You were having fun at a party until you weren't... Derek, however, has been keeping watch of you and wants to make sure you are safe.

WARNINGS: drinking, cursing, mentions of sex


A drunken college party. That's the only way to describe it.

The pulsating beat of the music rang through the party, creating a lively atmosphere that seemed to have a life of its own. Strobe lights, flashing in vibrant hues of blue, red, and green, painted the room in a chaotic dance of colours. The air was thick and you knew that in a few hours, it would feel disgusting. You were always the kind of person who loved going outside and getting the cold fresh air.

You had managed to convince or simply sneak your friends into the party, as none of them were of age yet. Laughter echoed, as you looked at them. Scott and Allison, the least drunk of the bunch, of course, because of Scott's inability to get intoxicated, were dancing with his girlfriend. Lydia, however, was talking her way out of a college's guys' flirtations. Stiles remained by your side.

Your voice cuts through the music.

"Seriously, Stiles- ugh, it's... a CRIME that Derek didn't want to join,'' you spoke and shook your head comedically. ''I could use some a brooding werewolf at this party.''

You cast a playful pout.

''Not into any of these college guys?'' Stiles questioned, already a bit tipsy. He raised his eyebrow and turned his face to you. ''None of them can keep up with Derek, right?''

''Oh, shut up-'' you shushed him and pushed his face away, as it had closened to yours. You took a swing from your beer bottle. ''It's just... that I'm used to his... perpetually brooding enigma. Maybe, yeah- maybe he's a totally sad and angry wolf, but I'm used to him and I like it.''

''I think you could benefit from a little wolf love,'' Stiles suggested and you instantly laughed.

''Don't fucking call it that!''

''You're not denying it,'' Stiles shrugged. ''And Derek, our sour wolf, could do well together with a... MATE too!''

''Oh, Stiles, just cut it off-'' you laughed again, pushing him once more. ''Don't give me any of that shit. I just want to get him out and let him enjoy a good party for once...''

''Uh-huh...'' he lowered his tone. ''That's all there is to it...''

As you continued to dance, the music pulsed through your veins, and the atmosphere of the party engulfed you in a euphoric haze. Lights flickered in time with the music, casting an otherworldly glow on the eclectic crowd.

The room seemed to sway in rhythm with the music, creating an illusion of fluidity and movement. The smell of spilt drinks and the distant echoes of laughter painted a vivid portrait of uninhibited celebration.

Amidst the laughter and dancing, the thought lingered in your mind – Derek couldn't get drunk either. The irony struck you, realizing that while you and your friends revelled in the liberating effects of alcohol, Derek remained untouched by its influence. The image of Derek brooding in solitude flashed in your mind, a stark contrast to the lively scene before you.

Stiles, catching a glimpse of your contemplative expression, leaned in to be heard over the music.

"Hey! Stop worrying about your brooding werewolf!'' he said and you slapped his shoulder, making him wince.

''Shut up and... you're right- FINE! Let's just go dance...'' you plafully said and Stiles nodded happily, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the crowd.

The two of you returned to the dance floor, losing yourselves completely. Drink after drink, you lose more of your senses.

As the clock struck two in the morning, the college party showed no signs of winding down. You hadn't even noticed. The music throbbed in your head, and the once vibrant lights now felt like an assault on your senses. The joyous atmosphere that had enraptured you earlier had transformed into a dizzying whirlwind, leaving you feeling disoriented and unsteady. In short, you felt like shit.

Deciding you needed a break, you slipped away from the pulsating heart of the party, excusing yourself from your friend, and searching for a quieter space to collect your thoughts.

You stumbled upon an unoccupied room, its door slightly ajar, and with a sigh of relief, you pushed it open. The room offered a welcome respite from the chaos outside. It was dimly lit and quiet. Much different than the rest of the party downstairs. You plopped onto the nearest bed, hoping the solitude would help clear your head.

However, peace was short-lived. The door swung open, and the illusion of solitude shattered. In walked a guy, his voice already slurred with the effects of alcohol.

"Finally found some quiet, huh?'' he asked.

''Hmmm?'' you asked, not looking up, but slightly worried, as you did not recognize the speaker.

''Well... not for long,'' he continued. ''We can have some fun.''

He declared and you heard steps approaching. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and discomfort, as you forced to turn around and look at him.

''The hell are you talking about?'' you questioned.

''I've been looking at you,'' he said, tilting his head. You spotted the plastic cup in his hand. Finishing it, he threw it across the room.

He had an unsettling confidence, closing the door behind him. Your chest heaved in worry. You felt dizzy.

"What are you doing? I don't know you...'' you stated and sat up, instantly touching your head as it hurt. ''C'mon... just fucking leave. I found this room first.''

''But you already found such a good room for us!'' he replied and grinned. ''And you... just relax. We're in the same class. Just want to have some fun. I'm Jack.''

''Well, Jack... I'm pretty sure we're NOT in the same class and- ugh,'' you said, panting and rubbing the side of your head. ''I really just want to be alone now. So... be nice and just leave.''

Sighing, the guy observed you approached even closer with a predatory intent and climbed onto the bed. You instantly moved back and cleared your throat.

''Cut it out!'' you pleaded and looked at him, feeling your throat dry and your body not responding properly.

''Well... I don't want to,'' he shrugged and scared you, almost immediately attempting to reach for your body. Panic set in as you recoiled.

''STOP!'' you asserted. ''I SAID NO!''

At that very moment, the door burst open with a force that seemed to split the air. The sudden intrusion brought a sliver of hope, and your eyes widened as Derek stepped into the room.

Derek's eyes, intense and protective, zeroed in on Jack, who had frozen in his tracks.

"What the hell are you doing?" Derek growled, his voice low and dangerous.

Jack stammered, suddenly aware of the perilous situation he had stumbled into.

"I'm s-sorry! I-I didn't know she had a boyfriend. I'm out!" he muttered, stumbling upon his words.

In a desperate scramble, Jack fled the room, leaving you and Derek alone. Derek's eyes followed him until he was long gone. The door slammed shut, the echo resonating in the quiet aftermath.

You sat on the bed, still trembling from the encounter, while Derek stood near the door, his gaze fixated on you.

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