After a long two days of fitting, shopping and baby mood swings, it was time to go home until tour started. It was around five so they got a late start, but Y/n was excited to be back home for awhile and Harry was in pregame mode for tour. He always got like this before; super hyper and motivated. Darcy was crying from her gums hurting as they were on the way home. "Y/n why isn't she feeling any better? She's been teething for two weeks." Y/n saw Harry's face stricken with worry. "Harry teeth take time to come in. Believe me I don't like seeing her in pain as much as you." Harry and Y/n sat in silence almost the entire way home because Darcy finally fell asleep and they didn't want her to start crying again. Harry grabbed Darcy in her seat carefully so she wouldn't wake up. Once they got up to the flat he started to wake Darcy up so she could eat. "Theres some bags of milk in the freezer. Give her one of those if you don't care. Warm it up in some warm water for a like fifteen minutes." Harry did just that and got Darcy out of her seat to feed her. He sat her in her little pillow in the couch and she was almost to the point where she could hold her bottle but Harry still held it. Y/n came out of the bedroom with some of Darcy's clothes that were dirty. "I got our clothes in the wash I'll wash hers after ours." Harry shook his head and turned the tv on scrolling through to find something to watch. He settled on some scary movie. After Y/n came back she plopped next to Harry and looked at Darcy. "She's getting so big. Harry. She's going to be almost a year old when tours over." Harry looked at his baby who was almost done eating. "I know. Would you ever want another?" Y/n's eyes went big but she thought about it. "Maybe but not until she's one. Or two. But not before that." Harry smiled and wrapped his free arm around Y/n while Darcy finished up her bottle. She needed burped and Harry started to when he heard a belch and warmness down his back. "Oh god. Y/n did she just throw up down my back?" Y/n looked at Harry's back and he had formula all over his back. "Ew yeah she did. And all over her. She needed a bath anyway." Harry made a disgusted face and handed the baby to Y/n. He went to the bedroom and took his shirt off and came to the bathroom to help his girls. "Bath time, little girl." Darcy cried a little while Y/n took her clothes off of her and threw them in the hamper. She turned to Harry not know his shirt was off. "Harry can you get-woah." He stood there waiting on Y/n to finish her sentence. "What is it,? Like what you see or something?" Y/n smiled and her face felt hot. "Maybe. But right now could you get her tub? It's in the closet right there." Harry grabbed Darcy's tub and Y/n got in with her and washed her off. It was around 7:30 so it was almost bed time for the baby. Harry was sitting on the edge of the tub and gave Y/n a once over. "You look so beautiful doing that." Y/n chuckled. "What cleaning our four month olds vomit off of her body?" Harry looked down and smiled. "No, being a mom. Taking care of her. Loving her. Loving me. I'm so glad we have not only Darcy but each other." Y/n smiled and puffed out her lips to Harry. He leaned in to kiss her but didn't. "I love you." Then he kissed her, and they both sighed into it." "I love you too."
Harry held Darcy while Y/n got her clothes ready. He was making faces at her trying to get her in a good mood. "Give me my baby." Y/n took Darcy and put lotion all over her body. "There's our smelly goods. Ready to get your nappy on?" Darcy screamed a laughed at Y/n while she was putting it in her. Then she put her nighty on. "Ahhh here we are. Say goodnight, daddy." Harry reached out to Darcy and held her while Y/n made her bottle for her to get to sleep. "Goodnight my sweet girl. Dream beautiful dreams and daddy will see you in the morning, okay?" Y/n came back with the bottle and Harry laid Darcy in her crib. "Mommy's got your bottle. There you are." Even though they both were tired they stayed until Darcy fell asleep which didn't take long. Harry sighed and looked at Y/n. After looking he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. "Harry what are you doing?" He smiled and smacked her butt. "Taking my beauty girl to the bedroom where we can snuggle. " Y/n laughed and decided it wasn't worth it to argue. The couple entered the bedroom and he threw Y/n on the bed. "You're ridiculous." Y/n was smiling as was Harry. "Well I know a few thing that are ridiculous. It's ridiculous how excited I am for tour. It's ridiculous how much I love Darcy and it's ridiculous how much I love you." Y/n touched Harry's cheek and gave him a hug. "I love you too.I can't wait to watch you perform again and see Darcy's face watching you up there. Are you going to bring her up with you one night?" Harry had never thought about it. "Probably. Maybe towards the middle of it." With that the couple watched tv in their room and cuddled and counted down the days until tour started.

A Year to Remember (BOOK 2)
FanfictionThe sequel to You and me and a Baby Makes three shows Harry, Y/n's first year after Darcy is born. I don't like a lot of sad content so there will be no breakups or major fights just like the first ❤️