Darcy was in the best mood that morning even though she had a complete blowout. Somehow Y/n never woke up when it happened and it was always Harry. "Oh god that's bad. It's time for a bath." Harry carried a smiling Darcy to the tub and stood her up, wiping what he could off, waiting for the water to heat up for her. He held onto her and she looked at him, smiling. "You know even though you have poop on you you're still pretty." Harry kissed Darcy's forehead and sat her in the tub, making sure to wash her all over. He let her play for a moment while he grabbed the clothes Y/n laid out for her. She wore a light blue shirt with a monkey on it and white shorts. Harry grabbed him a drink and went back to the bathroom to finish up with Darcy. "Alright are you ready?" He carried his wet baby to the other bed and put her diaper on, not without her moving constantly. "You know you're making this awful hard now. You need to not get any bigger, you hear me?" Harry tickled Darcy's belly and she let out a cackle. Y/n stirred and woke up facing Harry and Darcy. "Morning." Y/n stretched and checked the time. "10:20." We still have a little sleeping time. Why is she dressed?" Harry picked Darcy up and gave her to Y/n. "Guess who had a blowout." Y/n gasped and looked at Darcy. "Did you? Was it a good one? Well you look adorable mommy did good picking that outfit." Harry sat down next to Y/n, putting his arm around her. "How did daddy do dressing her?" Y/n smiled, knowing what he wanted. "He did really really good." Harry smiled and made a kissing motion, signaling to Y/n. She leaned in and kissed Harry making Darcy a little jealous. "Hey she's my mommy too. Well not like she's yours but you know what I mean. Or don't." Y/n sat Darcy down and got up to get dressed herself. Darcy started to whine wanting Y/n. She got dressed in the room, wearing a yellow shirt and black shorts. Her hair was put in a bun and she put light makeup consisting of mascara, lip gloss and eyeliner. Harry was next, putting on a dark green button up, black skinny jeans, a black hat and dark brown Chelsea boots. "Can you believe she's going to be one?" Harry fluffed up his hair and shook his head. "Nope. I refuse to believe it. And she looks just like you." Y/n laughed and looked Harry straight in the eye. "Are you kidding? She's you made over. I had no part in it." Harry walked over to Y/n and grabbed her waist. "Oh I think you did, and I believe it happened in a bed just like this." Y/n put her arms around Harry and kissed him again, only this time lasting longer. Harry's alarm went off, telling them it was time to go. This time they was checking out and heading home after the park. The next day was Darcy's actual birthday and Y/n was emotional. Her baby was turning one and it seemed like it was just yesterday she found out she was pregnant.
The three entered Animal Kingdom and it was super busy. People lined up everywhere and a lot of exhibits had people in front of them. Harry and Y/n waited patiently in line with everyone else. Workers offered them to move in front but they declined, not wanting to not make anyone mad and not wanting to draw attention. Darcy was in her stroller looking around, Harry holding onto the stroller and Y/n standing beside him waiting to see some monkeys. Darcy spotted one a pointed at it, smiling. There was finally a spot for the stroller to go and Harry put her up to the glass to see all the monkeys. Darcy stuck her tongue out, licking her lips and so did the monkey. Y/n took a picture of the moment and Darcy was mesmerized by the monkeys. Harry looked too, him and Darcy looked like twins. Both of their dimples highly prominent. Y/n took a picture of her and Harry and also one of all three of them. After a few hours of walking it was time for lunch. Darcy had tiny chicken bites with mac and cheese while Y/n and Harry shared tenders and fries. Nothing too crazy since they were traveling later. "I can't wait to get home but this has been fun." Y/n smiled and agreed with Harry. "I wish we could do this more. Just us three traveling around." Harry ate more than Y/n because she was more interested in Darcy eating hers. Y/n fed Darcy and she was getting full fast. "Are you ready to go home, cutie?" Darcy smiled but also had a stern look on her face. "What's wrong with her?" Harry knew right away. "Your turn." Y/n didn't know what he was talking about and then it hit her. Blowout.

A Year to Remember (BOOK 2)
FanfictionThe sequel to You and me and a Baby Makes three shows Harry, Y/n's first year after Darcy is born. I don't like a lot of sad content so there will be no breakups or major fights just like the first ❤️