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Y/n finished filling up the tub and Harry brought Darcy in trying not to throw up himself. "Niall left yet?" Harry shook his head no. "He's still here. He still want to take her but he didn't know how to handle the...shit." Y/n sighed and had Harry put the baby in the tub. "You know they don't have to watch her. They're not obligated." Harry sighed and turned to look at Y/n. "I'm well aware of that. But we never have time together. All we do is take care of her." Y/n looked a little hurt. "Well you know that is how parenting works, Harry. We laid down and made her so now we have to take care of her. It's not her fault." Harry continued to wash Darcy. "I didn't say it was. I don't know what I'm saying." Y/n crossed her arms and stood with her hip out. "Are you saying you regret having her? Because that's what it sounds like. Since you feel that way maybe we should go home." Harry watched Y/n go out to the room and sit on the bed. Niall took the quiet hint and left the room and waited in the hallway. Harry came out holding Darcy in her towel and laid her on the bed. "Y/n I don't regret her. I love her. More than anything in this world. I'm just saying I wish we could spend a little more time together just us. Please don't leave I don't want you to." Y/n wiped tears from her face. "Harry we can't just have people watch her all the time because we want to spend time together. I get it I miss is spending time together too but we have a responsibility to her. She's out baby nobody else's. I just...I want to go home. I can't even think straight I need to go home in my own surroundings." Harry continued to dry Darcy off and put lotion on her and a new nappy and outfit. "Baby I'm sorry I made you upset I didn't mean it. If you want to go home that's fine. I can make arrangements for a car." Y/n walked to the bathroom and closed the door. He got his answer and called for a car to take her and Darcy to the airport.
The next day Y/n and Darcy left and Harry was miserable. He missed both of them and he wished he would have worded his statements better. He tried calling and texting but all he heard from Y/n was that they made it home. She was really pissed at him. She was home for about a week and she wasn't having the best time either. She noticed Harry went out for one night and got really drunk with the other boys. He could say he didn't but she could see it. That made her ever more pissed off. She shut her phone off for the whole day after that. Harry didn't bother to message her the day after he got drunk he knew it wouldn't do any good. She was hurt and when Y/n got hurt it was on. Especially about her baby. Y/n had Darcy in her little boppy pillow when she turned her phone on. It was even on for ten minutes and it rang. It was Harry. She contemplated ignoring it, but she answered. "Yes?" Harry sighed. "Please come back. I need you. I had an asthma attack on stage last night. Then it turned into a panic attack because I realized you wasn't by my side. I miss you." Y/n put her hand to her brow and rubbed them. "I don't know. You really upset me. I miss you too Harry but what you said-." Harry interrupted her. "Y/n I didn't mean it like that. I love Darcy. She wasn't a mistake or...well she was an accident but a happy accident. You know  I wouldn't actually say I regret having her because I don't. Please come back to me." Y/n looked at the sleeping Darcy. She was half snoring and her mouth was open. "Fine. Could you have a car here?" Y/n could feel Harry's smile through the phone. "Absolutely. The next city is ✨city name✨ and I will meet you at the airport. Car should be there in about two hours. How's my baby?" Y/n got up and took some clothes to the laundry as she was on the phone. "Sleeping. I'm going to have to wake her up in a little bit to get her ready. How long is the plane ride?" Harry had no clue. "I don't know. Maybe three hours." Y/n put Darcy's clothes in the washer and switched out the other load. "Okay. Well I have to get our stuff ready. I'll see you in a little while." Harry was getting excited. "Okay I love you." Y/n wiped sweat from her forehead. "I love you too, baby."
Darcy and Y/n got in the plane to take them to the city where Harry and the boys was. They had two more cities and then they had a tour break but they still had recording sessions. That mean they could go home but only for a week. Just like last time. Harry noticed the plane coming and ran to meet his loves. Y/n walked off the plane with Darcy on her hip and went straight to Harry. They hugged so tightly Harry picked them both up. "My girls. I missed you. I'm so sorry." Harry kissed Y/n's face and her lips. Their foreheads touching and Y/n realized how sorry she was. "Harry I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that. I'm just kinda hormonal and I guess I got overwhelmed. I'm stupid." Harry took Darcy who was reaching for him. "Y/n you're NOT stupid. And it's okay I promise. You two are back with me and that's all that matters. Now come on, the boys are waiting to go to the hotel."

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