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Y/n and Darcy watched Harry on stage and it was like he never left. He was dancing and around and laughing. He stood next to his microphone stand for a few songs and Harry kept staring at his girls. They performed "Night Changes" and "Fools Gold" to the crowd. "This album is probably their best yet. A lot of personal songs people can relate to." Y/n agreed with Lou and continued to hold and dance with Darcy. She was laughing watching Harry and mocking some of his movement. The boys started "No control" and Y/n started staring at Harry control. That song automatically made her feel something in her. Watching Harry perform made her want him. "Hey Lou. After the show could you do me a favor?" Lou shook her head. "Possibly. Depends." Y/n scooted closer to her. "Could you take Darcy and distract the boys so I can talk to Harry?" Lou knew better and she smiled. "Talk, hm? I bet. But yeah. I'll tell them I'm taking them out to lunch. You know Niall will be in. If Darcy and Lux will be there the other two will be too. I gotchu, girl." Y/n thanked her and continued watching the boys. Harry's outfit was amazing it fit him so well. A brown and crème with an interesting pattern, black jeans and black boots. His usual go to, but for some reason it made Y/n nuts today. "I think it's the hair. It's getting really long. If he cuts it I'm filing for divorce before either of us says I Do." Lou laughed at Y/n's comment. Lux and Darcy was dancing in front of the two moms, laughing and holding hands. Y/n was glad Darcy was old enough to start dancing and enjoying music. Harry snuck a glance over at Y/n and he almost fell over. She looked at him with a needy glare and he's lucky he didn't get excited right there. He held control and finished the performance. He swallowed hard while going off stage. He met Y/n and Darcy backstage, her instantly going to Harry. "Hey there, lovey. What did you think?" Darcy smiled and cuddled up to Harry and he rubbed her back. "And what did you think, pretty?" Y/n went over to Harry and whispered in his ear: "I think I want you before I explode." Harry swallowed hard and remembered he had Darcy in his arms. "Lou is taking the boys and the girls out for lunch so you and I can have some time to be together. She will bring her to the hotel after." Harry wasn't sure about not being there even though he knew she was in good hands. "You don't think we should go? I mean what if she starts crying for us." Lou came up behind Harry, patting his shoulder. "Don't worry Harry. She has plenty of people to keep her entertained and she will have food in front of her.  Now you two go and enjoy your...night in." Lou reached for Darcy and she went, waving bye to her mom and dad. "Okay so now what?" Y/n wasted no time and grabbed Harry by the shirt and kissed him. He lifted her up and pushed her up against the wall. "Well well well what's happening here?" Y/n grabbed Harry's face softly, rubbing it. "I'm ready. I want another baby now. It's been a few weeks and I wanna try again. And if it doesn't work I wanna try again. Please." Harry looked at Y/n's face. "Are you sure? A thousand percent sure?" Y/n shook her head yes and Harry put her down. "Do you want to go to lunch too? Maybe we can have Lou keep Darcy for a little while longer. I'll text her." He sent the text awaiting a reply from Lou. He took Y/n's hand and went to the car, going back to the hotel. They could always leave again. Fans a paparazzi swarmed them, making it hard to walk. Security did their best to control fans but it almost failed. Someone pulled Y/n's hair and scratched her. "Ouch! What the hell?" Harry looked back and Y/n had a huge scratch on her face going across her cheek. He was furious but kept going to the car. Security opened the door and Harry made sure Y/n got in first and he followed. Y/n buckled in and started crying in pain. "Let me see, baby. I'm gonna kill whoever did that." He face was bleeding it was like a cat scratched her. "Harry this really hurts. Could you imagine if Darcy was with us? I don't want to know what you would have done if someone scratched her like this." Harry took a napkin and wiped the tears and blood from Y/n's face. "Baby I'm sorry I should have had us go out the back. This is my fault." Y/n took the towel and got the inner corners of her eyes. "No it's not but I'm definitely not in the mood now. I just want to get food, take a shower and relax with the baby for a little while. Is that okay?" Harry took no time answering her. "Of course that's fine. We can order room service and take a nap." Y/n tested her head on Harry's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "What did you think of the songs?" Y/n cuddled to Harry even more. "I think it's your guys best album so far. I love the songs." Harry smiled and looked at Y/n. "Yeah me too. I can't wait to perform them. It'll be nice to have new material."
Y/n and Harry arrived to their hotel and their bags was already in the room. Darcy's bag was on the bed and the others on the floor. Y/n unpacked Darcy's getting her night clothes out so she can get a bath and get ready for a night in. Her face was stinging and it made her feel ugly. "You're not ugly so stop thinking it." Damn he's good. "How did you know that?" Harry unpacked his night clothes and looked at Y/n. "We've been together for almost two years, have a baby and getting married in four months. I think I know what you're thinking, and it's wrong. It'll heal but if it makes you feel better we don't have much of anything until tour in February. Just some odd and end interviews." That did make her feel better but still made her feel incredibly insecure. She took a shower without Harry and then he got one himself. His phone went off and it was Lou saying she was bring Darcy back. His wallpaper was Y/n and Darcy when she was a few months old. It wasn't a good picture of Y/n, but she didn't think any picture of her was good. As she was flipping through the channels there was a knock at their door. Y/n opened it and there was Darcy with a food stained shirt and a grin. "Holy shit what happened to you?" Y/n sighed and took Darcy. "Harry and I left the performance area and a fan scratched me. I don't know if they meant to but it still hurts some." Lux made a face and looked closer. "It doesn't look too bad. It'll probably be healed in about a week. I have to get back to Lux. She's wanting a bath. I'll see you tomorrow for Darcy's little party." Y/n shut the door and looked at Darcy. "Did you have fun? Get good food?" Darcy smiled and hugged on Y/n. "Mommma." Y/n rubbed Darcy's back, knowing she was ready for a late nap. Harry walked out to Darcy getting a wipe down from Y/n. "What do we have here?" Darcy looked directly at Harry and wanted him. Y/n has to dress her then she could go to Harry. She put some footy pajamas on her and brushed her hair making her curls bounce. Harry, Y/n and Darcy sat on the bed together and Darcy was asleep in no time. It was still early for bed but Y/n didn't wake her because she was out cold. Harry laid her on the other bed and covered her up a little with her blankets. "We can try when we get home, you know." Y/n smiled and kissed Harry's cheek. "I can't wait."

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