Family time

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Y/n and Harry started getting low on their groceries so they decided to get out of the flat and go to the store. Darcy wore a light long sleeve shirt with jean overalls and socks. Harry put her in the car and Y/n got in the front with Harry. "So where to? Besides the store." Y/n was thinking about the possibilities. "We could go through London and just walk around the shops? I love doing that." Harry nodded and started the car making sure everyone was ready. He pulled into a lot and got the stroller out and put Darcy's car seat in it to keep it secure. "There we are, little one. Ready to have mommy break daddy's bank?" Y/n hit Harry's chest and started walking. "I'll break you first." Harry raised his eye brows and walked with her. "Only if you let me break your back." Y/n smiled and rolled her eyes and walked to the shops. Harry held onto the stroller and Y/n walked next to him. London wasn't busy at all and Darcy fell asleep almost immediately. There was a baby store around the corner so they went in. "What could you possibly get in here? She has everything." Y/n looked around and noticed a cute diaper bag. "She doesn't have this. It's bigger than the one she has now and it will help when we travel." Y/n waved it at Harry and he grabbed it, throwing it in the basket. She smiled and turned around looking more. She handed him teether toys and a few outfits that she could wear in the next few months. "Okay, I'm ready." Harry paid for the items and they went out and he wanted to go into a coffee shop down the road. "What you want to drink?" Y/n looked at the menu and decided on something simple. "Just a small latte. Vanilla." Harry ordered and waited while Y/n sat with Darcy she started to wake up and whimper. "Oh baby please don't wake up all the way. Shhh shhhh." Y/n pulled the shade down and Darcy went back to sleep long enough for Harry to bring the drinks over and sit down. Darcy started crying and Y/n picked her up and held her close. "You're okay. What's wrong? Are you hungry?" Y/n grabbed a bottle and put the formula in it that she uses while they are out. She gave it to Darcy and she started to eat right away. "Where else do you wanna go?" Y/n took a drink of her latte and watched Darcy. "Well we need to get groceries. That's a must. Maybe go to some clothes stores. I need some new outfits terribly." Harry smiled and agreed with Y/n on her idea and offered to burp Darcy. He patted her back and she burped really loud and in Harry's ear. "Oh that was nasty. Did you hear that?" Y/n held her phone taking a picture of them. "I did. And it was a good one too." Harry held onto Darcy and she looked around at the view she had from Harry's lap. "She's growing up, isn't she?" Y/n crossed her hands and put her chin on her hands. "She is and it's sad but she's getting her own personality. Plus she looks just like you."
         Y/n wanted to find some new clothes and she went into the store by herself while Harry sat with Darcy in the car. She was starting to get fussy so Y/n would have to hurry. She found three new pairs of jeans, two sweaters and four t shirts. A new bra and underwear set as well. She also found another lingerie set that she figured Harry would love. There was almost nothing to it. She checked out and met Harry at the car and she made sure to not show him anything. "Can we skip the grocery store? I'm kinda tired and she's fussy. We can order groceries." Y/n agreed and they went back home, both satisfied with their day. Harry put Darcy down to play with some toys and Y/n showed him her new clothes. "I love the new clothes. What's this?" Harry reached into the bag and pulled out her little lingerie set. "Oh fuck." It was a black thong with a small black bra that was see through. "What are you planning to do with this?" Y/n went to pick Darcy up but Harry grabbed her wrist. "What are you planning to do?" Y/n looked at Harry and smiled. "Whatever I want. To you." It was only 4 pm and Y/n put Darcy down with a bottle and a nap for a little while. She grabbed her outfit and ran into the bathroom without Harry seeing her and slipped it on. It fit perfectly and she was pretty proud of herself. She walked out the bathroom and found Harry in the kitchen snacking on some pretzels. She waited until he looked up and his eyes got as wide as they could go. He put the bag of pretzels down and walked over to Y/n with his arms wide open. "That outfit....fuck." Y/n held onto Harry's neck and he picked her up and carried her to the bed. His lips went to her neck and traveled down to the middle of her chest. "I love when you get these outfits. They look so hot on you." Y/n loved when Harry got like this. She knew she didn't need to wear these outfits but she loved to wear them. They made her feel good about herself, especially after having Darcy. Harry felt her breasts and kissed her harder, his hands traveling to her midsection and her thong. "I don't think you need this little piece of string anymore." Harry started to peel it away and his fingers made their way to her core. Before his finger could enter her the sounds they feared to hear started: a baby crying.

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