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Harry woke up to Darcy cooing next to him. He got up and checked his phone for the time. 7:06 a.m. just like Y/n said she would get up. Hoping she would go back to sleep he starred at the baby for a few minutes and unfortunately she woke up completely. She wasn't crying but looking around the room. She then laid her eyes on Harry and she smiled with her dimply grin. Harry smiled back with the same dimple. "Hey, baby girl. Mommy was right, wasn't she? Well we need to get your little booty changed and fed don't we?" Harry got up and picked Darcy up going right to the other bed and laying her down. He grabbed the diaper bag and pulled out a fresh nappy, wipes and a new outfit that the boys got her. "Okay..daddy is gonna change your butt. Let hope for no poopy, yeah?" Darcy cooed and stuck her tongue out at him making a funny face. Harry wiped her down with the wipes and cleaned every part of her. "Now, the diaper." Darcy started to roll a little bit and Harry had to flip her back. "Oh no you don't, missy." Harry for her diaper on and started on the outfit. "There we go. Now how about we lay with mommy until she wakes up and we feed the girl?" Darcy blew bubbles while Harry heated up some of the breast milk in a bottle from Y/n. "Okay. Now are you ready to eat?" Harry gave Darcy her bottle and cuddles her while she ate. He scrolled on his phone while waiting for Darcy to finish. Once she was finished Harry burped her and cuddled her again. "Just look at you both. My angels." Darcy screamed at Harry and laughed. The scream woke Y/n up and her eyes broke open. "Is she okay?" Harry laughed and gave Darcy his finger to okay with. "She's fine. I just changed and fed her. She's ready for her day to start." Y/n smiled and noticed her outfit was one the boys got when she was pregnant. "That outfit is perfect. What time is it?" Harry checked his phone. "Uhhh 8:25. We've been up for awhile." Y/n looked at her baby, her entire attention toward Harry. "Darcy...what are you doing? You giving daddy love?" Darcy whipped her head around and made grabby hands toward Y/n. "There's my big girl. Did you eat? Was it good?" Darcy smiled and laughed at her mommy. Y/n gave the baby to Harry and she got up, needing to get ready herself. She wore a Harry's black Harley shirt and a pair of black leggings. Her boobs hurt really bad from Darcy not getting up in the night and she needed to pump. "Harry before I go anywhere I need to pump. I'm in so much pain. You can go down with her if you want." Harry held Darcy and stood up. "No we can wait for you. I'm not in too much of a hurry. And neither is little miss." Y/n started to pump thankfully they just clasp onto her with no cords. "Oh my god this hurts so bad. Shit." Harry put Darcy on the bed and have her a teether. "Can I do anything to help? I wish I could help." Y/n shook her head no. "No there's nothing to you can do. I'm just really full. I need to pump for like twenty minutes." Darcy was playing with her toys and and Y/n finished pumping and getting a good amount of milk. "Now that's done we can go. Do we have everything?" Harry looked around the hotel room. "Let's see. Car seat for baby, diaper bag for baby, and... baby. Yep we're ready."
The three went down to the lobby where the boys were getting breakfast. "Hey! That's my toast. Give it back, Horan!" Liam was yelling at Niall in a playful tone and Niall ate it all in one bite. "Now what?" Liam put him in a headlock and messed with his hair. "That's what!" Louis and Zayn are quietly still not fully awake yet. Zayn looked up just in time to see the happy couple and baby come through the door. "There they are. And she's awake boys." Louis made a beeline to his niece and smiled. "Hello, love. How are we this morning?" Darcy looked Louis over and smiled which made him smile. He held out his hands to hold her and she reached for him right away. "That's a beauty. See lads, I told you I'd get the first smile and hold. Jesus it's like holding a little Hazza." Niall came up to Darcy and held out his finger for her to grab. "Strong grip for a baby. She's a muscle woman." Liam say at the table and waited for everyone to sit down, Louis still holding Darcy. Then he held out his arms. "Well hello, little missy. May I hold you?" Darcy smiled and reached for a Liam and he held her. "You're lucky she kinda likes you, Payno. I'd slap the piss out of you if she started to cry." Zayn looked at her. "I'll have to hold her later and tell her how all of her other uncles suck and I'm the best." Harry chuckled. "Of course Zayn. I'm gonna grab Y/n and I something really quick." Harry came back with a little bit of everything for him and Y/n. Before they knew it 9:30 rolled around and it was time for the fitting. Harry put Darcy in her seat and she was ready to go. When they all got to the building they saw Lou standing outside with little Lux. Y/n got out immediately and gave both of them a hug. "There's the new mummy! How are you love?" Y/n sighed and smiled. "Tired. And my boobs really hurt so I think she's ready to eat. But we're doing really well." Y/n bent down to Lux. "Do you want to see your new best friend?" Lux smiled and said yes to Y/n and then Harry took the car seat out with Darcy in it. "Oh my gosh. She's gorgeous! Look at that hair! And those dimples! When we get inside can I hold her?" Y/n said yes but she needed to feed her first. "Baby I have to go to my fitting I'll see you in a few hours, okay?" Y/n shook her head okay. Harry looked right in her eyes. "I love you. Maybe you and the girls can do some shopping. You know Darcy always needs some new outfits." Y/n smiled and turned a little red. "I love you too baby and she might. I do need to get some diapers and wipes." Harry leaned down and touched Y/n's face giving her a kiss. Then he was off to do what he needed to do for tour. Y/n and the other girls went into a side room while she fed Darcy. They decided on a small shopping trip and maybe to get lunch.

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