Harry's alarm went off at 6 that morning to get ready for the plane ride. Thankfully Y/n and him packed what they needed a few nights ago and could just walk out the door. He got up and got into the shower, putting on a dark green shirt and jeans. He ran his fingers through his hair and left it down. Sometimes he puts it back but today he decided to leave it. He walked out of the bathroom and looked at a sleeping Y/n. She was so beautiful and peaceful. Her engagement ring was laying on her side table where she could put it on as soon as she got up and also her phone. Harry clicked on the screen and it was a picture of Y/n, Darcy and Harry when Darcy was born. He smiled and looked again at Y/n. He beamed when he looked at her and glad that they found each other. He decided to go check on Darcy, hoping she was still asleep. He opened her door and she was still asleep. Her curls covered her forehead and her long eyelashes almost touched her cheeks. He smiled and closed the door behind him and checked his phone while walking to the kitchen. He had messages from the boys and social media notifications. He decided to post Darcy's birthday pictures from yesterday. He collected pictures from the whole year. Some with Him and Y/n holding Darcy, Harry holding her, Y/n holding her and some by herself.
"Happy first birthday to our baby girl. Darcy Anne you're our sunshine and beautiful flower. We can't wait to watch you grow. Mommy and I love you very much."
Harry hit post and braced himself for people liking and commenting. He noticed the boys made separate birthday posts for Darcy. They were all heartfelt and loving. Harry smiled and liked all of them. Even the One Direction Instagram made a post for her. He put his phone down and went back to the bedroom hoping Y/n was awake. She wasn't so he decided to see if Darcy was. Nope. She needed sleep so she wouldn't be cranky during the show today. He'll give them about an hour and then he'll go wake them up. He looked over at Darcy's remaining gifts thinking what Y/n could have gotten her. She has everything she could ever want and need. Harry heard a notice coming from his bedroom and knew Y/n was up. He walked swiftly to the bedroom and noticed Y/n was bent over fixing the bed. "Hey, baby." Y/n looked over at Harry and smiled. "Hey. How long have you been up?" Harry bit his lip and crossed his arms. "About an hour or so. I was getting ready to get you and the baby up. We have more gifts to open remember?" Y/n put the last pillow on the bed and started walking toward Harry. "Oh yes. I remember. I'm so excited to see her face." Harry grabbed her neck and kissed her without her even a second for her to think. "I love you, sweetheart." Y/n looked at him up and down not sure what he was getting at. "I love you too." She kissed him again and ran her tongue along his lips grabbing the back of his head in the process. They stopped at looked at each other. "I really want to fuck you right now. I know we can't yet but I'm starting to have some major urges." Y/n sighed and smiled. "I know I'm sorry. You can go to somebody else for a few weeks." She started to walk away but Harry grabbed her arm. "Now you know better then the say that. I'd never and you know it. Take it back." Y/n shook her head no with a smile on her face. Harry laughed and growled lifting her over his shoulder and placed her on the bed. "I said take it back, cutie." Y/n rubbed on Harry's shoulders. "No." Harry started kissing her neck and sucking her skin leaving small hickeys all over her chest. She ran her fingers though his hair wishing it was longer. Y/n was enjoying every moment until she heard Darcy crying. "Harry the baby is crying we have to get her up." He stopped and laid on her chest. "Uhhhh once again we will have to continue this." Harry helped Y/n up and she went into Darcy's room getting her. She changed her and let her walk to the kitchen. She opened the rest of her gifts from Harry and Y/n. She got a little ball pit, new clothes, some toys and a toddler bed for the near future. Harry carried their bags to the car and Y/n got Darcy ready with one of her cutest outfits. She wore a little black shirt with ruffles on the sleeves, sunflower shorts and a sunflower pattern bow. Y/n brushed hers and Darcy's hair and got herself ready. She put on a black shirt and yellow shorts to match Darcy. "We're ready."
Harry grabbed Darcy as she was walking and took her to the car ready to go. They only had to drive a few minutes to the airport but Darcy started crying. "Aw what's wrong, baby? Are you hungry?" Darcy puffed out her lip and she had actual tears in her eyes. "Harry I'm going to get in the back with her." Y/n opened the door and Darcy smiled seeing her mommy. "What in the world are you doing?" Y/n sat next to Darcy and gave her a little snack to hold her over until they get to the place where the performance is. The three got on the plane and was ready for it to take them. It was only a two hour plane ride but it felt like forever for Harry and Y/n. Darcy still didn't know exactly what was going on. She wasn't bothered by the plane since she's been in and out of them since she was born. The plane landed without a hitch and the trio got off and directly into another car. "It's about half an hour to where the boys are. Are you okay, sweet girl?" Harry played with Darcy in her seat holding her hand. Y/n pulled her phone out and took a picture. "Now that's the cutest picture ever."
Harry took Darcy out of the car and packed her backstage. The first person to see them was Niall. "There's my girl." Darcy smiled recognizing Niall and clapped for him. "I'm going to take advantage of this before Louis comes." He took Darcy from Harry and ran off, both parents knowing she was in good hands. Louis came next asking where Darcy was. "I'm appalled. Everyone knows I'm her favorite. Niall!" He ran off looking for his niece. Harry held Y/n's hand and continued walking backstage to find Lou fixing
Liams hair. "I swear Liam if you mess this hair up I'll mess you up. Get outta here." Liam saw Harry and Y/n and have them a hug. "Where's the baby?" Harry wrapped his arm around Y/n and smiled. "Good to see you too. Liam." All three smiled and Harry looked around. "Where's Zayn?" Liam rubbed his nose and sighed. "He's having stomach issues. Horrible virus he won't be here." Harry shook his head and replied "okay" to Liam. "I'm gonna go find little princess. Has Louis gotten to her yet? Hope not. I'll see you in a few." Harry and Y/n watched Liam run to find Darcy and was left with Lou and Lux. "You know there is something going on with Zayn. He's been awfully reserved lately. More then usual. Maybe he's just not feeling well. Oh well. Harry go get changed and I'll do your hair when you get back. For now I'll take care of the bride to be." Lou grabbed Y/n's hand and yanked the hair tie out of her hair. "How are you feeling, love?" Y/n sighed and crossed her legs. "I'm doing a lot better. We didn't tell many people but I had a miscarriage a few weeks ago. It's been awful but we're pushing through. Harry and I both want another baby but we are gonna wait another month." Lou leaned down and hugged Y/n from behind. "Aw Y/n I'm so sorry. It'll happen believe me. When it does, you'll be over the moon. You just have to be patient with your body and it'll be your best friend. Apart from me, of course. Now, waves today?" Y/n nodded and texted Harry.Y/N: Do you know where Darcy is?
HARRY: Louis.
Y/N: That's all I needed to know.
HARRY: You look beautiful
Y/N: you can't even see me, crazy boy.
HARRY: Don't have to.
Lou seen Y/n's face. "What did he say now? You're blushing." Y/n touched her face and it was hot. "He just called me beautiful. He does all the time but every time he does it I blush." Lou finished up Y/n's hair and went in front of her. "That's because it's true and he loves you so much. You have no idea how much he talks about you when you're not around. It's beautiful because his voice goes up a little bit so you know it's real." Y/n smiled and Lux came and sat on her lap. "Where Darcy?" Y/n got up still holding Lux. "I don't know, should we go look?" Lux took Y/n's hand and they started looking. They searched almost everywhere when they heard happy screams coming from Harry's dressing room. They opened the door to find all of the boys including Harry playing with Darcy. Lux ran over and sat on Liam's lap and played with Darcy. Y/n took a picture of all of them. She loved taking pictures lately. She realized pictures are the best memories and took as many as she could. Lou came up behind Y/n and looked in the room. "I can see you found all of them. Harry come on it's time to do your hair." Harry got up and walked past Y/n grabbing her hand to go with him. He sat down in the chair and patted his lap. "Sit."She sat on his lap and he put his hands on her waist. "Harry your hair is getting long. Look at the curls. Are you ever gonna cut it?" Harry shook his head no. "Not for awhile. I want it long." Lou styles his hair and but some gel in it to feel the curls while on stage. "And done. Now get I gotta put my stuff away to watch you guys." Y/n started to get up and Harry picked her up bridal style and carried her to his dressing room he shared. The boys was still in there so he stopped at the door and held is head back, annoyed. "I was hoping we could have some alone time before we go on but I guess not. He put Y/n down and she kissed his lips. "It'll happen baby I promise. Just be patient." She grabbed Harry's face and kissed him again. He loved her kisses it made him feel soft and at ease. "Boys! Five minutes! Go get your mics and inner ears." Harry gave Y/n another kiss and Liam handed Darcy to Y/n. Harry gave Darcy a kiss too and they left so Y/n could go with Lou to watch them. They have a few moments so Y/n changed Darcy really quick and gave her another snack. Lou and Lux met them and they all made it to the side of the stage just in time to hear the first note of the new album.

A Year to Remember (BOOK 2)
FanficThe sequel to You and me and a Baby Makes three shows Harry, Y/n's first year after Darcy is born. I don't like a lot of sad content so there will be no breakups or major fights just like the first ❤️