The sequel to You and me and a Baby Makes three shows Harry, Y/n's first year after Darcy is born.
I don't like a lot of sad content so there will be no breakups or major fights just like the first ❤️
Tonight was the boys first show. It was their third tour so they knew what to expect. The only thing different is Harry and Y/n had Darcy. Y/n woke up early on the bus to get Darcy's clothes laid out for the afternoon and then her show clothes put in her bag along with extra diapers wipes and Y/n's pump. It wasn't long before she woke up crying a little and Harry had woken up because of it. Y/n was on the other side of the bus getting the bag together so she didn't hear her crying. Harry got up and reached for Darcy picking her up while she was still whimpering. "There there. What's wrong, my girl? You just wake up grumpy? Let's go find mommy." Harry came out holding Darcy with her looking over his shoulder and him holding her head. She was chewing on his shirt making it wet. "Oh Y/n we have a little muncher here ready for her breakfast and morning diaper change." Y/n looked up and yelled for Darcy making her turn around and cry for Y/n. "Aw no what's wrong, stinky? Someone's hungry and needs changed." Harry pulled out a diaper and some wipes while Y/n put the baby on the couch. "We have an exciting day today, Darcy. Daddy had a show tonight. Your first show! Are you excited?" Darcy smiled at Y/n but Harry caught her eye making her reach for him before Y/n could get her diaper on her. "Oh no you don't. You have to eat then you can go to daddy." Y/n fed Darcy with a bottle of milk just incase the other boys got up. Darcy thankfully fell back asleep so Harry and Y/n were quietly talking to each other. "Hi baby." Harry smiled softly and rubbed Y/n's cheek, and she smiled. "Hi. Are you ready for tonight? Excited?" Harry spread his legs and patted the spot in between for Y/n to sit. She came over to him and laid her back on his chest. "I'm pretty excited. It'll be good to get back on stage. I hope she will be okay with the noise. Oh! That reminds me. Crew got her some special headphones made just for her because of the loud noises." Y/n bit her lip and looked at her baby in her arms. "That's good. I was worried about that." Darcy had fell back all the way to sleep and Y/n laid her on their bed, hoping she will be in a better mood when she wakes up. As she was going back to the front Zayn and Liam woke up and was coming to the front. Y/n put her finger to her lips to stay quiet and pointed at the sleeping baby.
SIX HOURS LATER The boys went to soundcheck an hour before so Y/n and Darcy decided to go to the hotel they would be going back to that night. It was nice as usual and there were fans everywhere. Y/n just carried her baby in and left the car seat since they would be back in the car in a few hours. The two entered the hotel room and Y/n laid Darcy on the bed. "Oh little one is it nap time? I think so. Let's eat and try to nappy." Darcy latched on to Y/n and her phone went off. A text message from Harry.
HARRY: I'm tired already. What are you doing? How's my little?
Y/N: She's eating right now being a piggy lol
HARRY: My sweet love ❤️ when are you guys leaving?
Y/N: Ummmm in a few hours about two hours before the show starts so we can see you.
HARRY: That sounds great. Could you send me a picture of her when she's done eating and napping?
Y/N: If course I can. Give me a few she's almost asleep.
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