Magical Day

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Darcy woke her mom and dad up extra early because she wasn't in her regular bed. She started crying and Y/n got up with her to keep her content. "Shhh baby. Shhh. Are we gonna have fun today?" Darcy hugged on Y/n and rubbed her eyes on her arm. "Baby could you please get some bath water started? Darcy and I are gonna take a bath and get ready for the day." Harry started the water and put Darcy's bubbles in. Y/n and Darcy got in the tub and Darcy played while Y/n washed her off. Harry came in to check in his girls. "Is she okay?" Y/n washed Darcy's hair and answered Harry. "Yeah she's fine. I think she might have gotten to much sleep and she was a little cranky. She's feeling a little better now that she's getting a bath with mommy." Harry brought the girls clothes in and took Darcy from Y/n while she got out. Harry dried his baby down and put her clothes on her for the day. She had a pink Little Mermaid shirt on with jean bib overalls and white sneakers. Y/n was still wet, drying off when Harry looked back at her. "Hm." Y/n looked up and smiled. "What?" Harry shook his head and puffed out his lip, looking her up and down. "Nothing, beautiful. You're just looking amazing." Y/n blushed and thought about his comment. She didn't feel beautiful but she was trying. She's still working on herself after her miscarriage but she was getting there. "You don't think so, do you?" Damn. He knew all too well. She shook her head no and Harry sighed, putting Darcy down. "Baby listen to me." He got down to her level and looked her in the eye. "You are beautiful. I know you're working on yourself and you're doing wonderful." Y/n put her head down and Harry touched her chin and raised her head. "Do you know how much I love you? I don't think you do. Let me tell you. I'm marrying you in March. We spend so much time together and I never get tired of it. Meeting you and starting a life with you has been the best thing ever.Nothing compares to you. Plus, you made me a daddy to that beautiful baby." Harry pointed to Darcy who was standing in the doorway. Y/n looked at Darcy and started crying. " it's okay. And you know what else? Our family is gonna grow and blossom. I'm so excited to have a little vacation with you and Darcy. Now, you get dressed, okay? We have a magical day planned." Y/n and Harry hugged and he rubbed her back. They kissed and their foreheads met. "I love you." Harry smiled and answered her back. "I love you too."
The groups day started at the Magic Kingdom. Harry had a security team with him if needed, but he was hoping it wasn't. Darcy was in her stroller and looking around at all the colors and and buildings. They met a few characters and got Darcy's picture. Harry was getting hungry so he suggested lunch. As he was in line A girl in her early twenties (?) came up to him. Y/n and Darcy was sitting under an umbrella to get out of the heat. "Hey, you're Harry, right? Damn you're even hotter in person. You wanna go somewhere?" The girl touched his chest and he looked at her. "No. If you see I'm with my two girls over there. If you would like an autograph or picture that's all I can do." The girl huffed around and decided on a picture. Harry said goodbye to the half embarrassed and mad girl and stood in line again. He came back with some tacos along with macaroni and cheese for Darcy. The three ate in silence for a moment. "This is pretty good. What you think, Darcy?" Darcy looked at her daddy with a cheesy grin. "Pretty good I'd say." The middle part of the day, the hottest part, they went on rides, met characters and made sure to get plenty of pictures. A young girl about thirteen came up to Harry and asked for a picture. "What's your name?" The girl was a little starstruck. "It's Destiny." Harry kissed her cheek and greeted himself. "Hello, Destiny it's nice to meet you." Him and Destiny posed for a picture and the girl was off to tell her mum and dad. "You will never get tired of that." Harry smiled and shook his head. "You're right I won't." Darcy was getting tired and thirsty while waiting in a store that Y/n wanted to go in. "Harry she's getting cranky. I think we better wrap today up soon. Last thing we need is Harry Styles in Disney World with a cranky baby." Harry nodded and agreed, paying the cashier and they were on their way. Darcy was in a full on tantrum not having anything. She cried all the way to the hotel and about drove both Harry and Y/n crazy. When they got back to their hotel Y/n put a fresh diaper and her nighty on Darcy and she was feeling a little better. She was still whining around, making Y/n a little worried. "Baby it's probably her belly. She had a lot of things to eat  she's not used to today. Tomorrow we better take it easier on her." Y/n was rocking her baby and she was slowly going to sleep. "Tomorrow Animal Kingdom and then home." Harry put on his shorts and spoke back to Y/n. "Yep. And then we could have her a little party. I figured we could do it the day of the bands show for the record. Right after so all the boys are there and then later we could do something with family." Y/n agreed, kinda glad they would have a little party with only family. Darcy wiggled around the bed and Harry was laying next to her, humming a song off the album. "Goodnight, baby." Y/n kissed Harry and kissed Darcy on the head and got prepared for their next and final day.

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