Time to shop

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Y/n woke up at 9 am to Darcy crying. She felt her head and she felt normal but it was her feeding time. She started to feed her and Harry started to move around. "Is she okay?" Y/n smiled and got up heading to the bed. "Yeah, just hungry." Harry stretched and checked the time. "I have to get going. We start recording at 10." Y/n looked at her eating baby and pulled her off to burp her. Burping Darcy was not easy it took forever and Y/n had to give her a few big pats in the back to get her to do anything. She finally got a little belch and she let her continue eating. "Do you know any of the songs?" Harry pulled out a piece of paper from his pants pocket and unfolded it. "Uhhh looks like Steal My Girl and Night Changes for today. I hope they're somewhat upbeat." Y/n realized Darcy had fallen asleep and she laid her down on the bed with a few toys around her. "Well you better get going shouldn't you? You don't wanna be late." Harry put his pants and shirt on while Y/n laid Darcy some clothes out for their day. Harry walked up behind Y/n and hugged her. "What are you getting into today? Shopping with my girl?" Y/n gasped and turned around still in Harry's arms. "Your girl? Ouchhhh." They both smiled and Harry kissed her multiple times. "Yes we're gonna go shopping. Not for me for her. And I'm not spending much. She's getting so big she needs some new clothes." Harry puffed out his lips and shook his head up and down. "Well you get stuff for you too. Get you some clothes, shoes whatever you want. Don't forget to worry about yourself too." Y/n pulled Harry down and kissed him. Kissed his cheeks and neck. "I love you." Harry hugged Y/n and swung her around. "I love you too baby. I'll see you tonight okay?" Y/n smiled and closed the door. Now it's time to get a shower before Darcy woke back up.
   The shower felt amazing on Y/n's skin. She made it a quick one only ten minutes because she knew Darcy would get up. She had an adorable pink jumper with black leggings and moccasin style shoes laid out for her and a white shirt with green overalls for Darcy. There was a knock on the door and it was Lou and Lux. "Are you ready to have our girls day?" Y/n and Lou hugged and Lux went to Darcy and immediately started playing with her. "I'm so ready. I needed a girls day after being stuck in the hospital." The girls went out of the hotel and paparazzi went to them. Screaming questions to Y/n and Darcy just stared around and Y/n hoping she doesn't start crying. They girls got into the car and off to their first stop. Breakfast was decided and she wanted to let Darcy try something that wasn't milk. Y/n had some strawberries and she cut them up and let Darcy suck on one as Y/n held onto it. Her reaction was priceless. She jumped licked her lips wanting more. Y/n gave her a little more but not much more she didn't want her belly upset. "You should get her some of those little net ice pops. You put the frozen strawberry or whatever fruit in it and they just lick it and hold onto it." Y/n nodded and agreed with Lou. After breakfast they went shopping and Y/n found some outfits for Darcy. "How is she already in 3-6 months already? My baby is getting so big." Lou was holding Darcy while Y/n took Lux around the store for a bit. They found some bows for Lux and Darcy to match and wear at the next concert. As Y/n was checking out a girl walked up to her. "You're Y/n, right? Harry's fiancée?" Y/n braced herself because she knew it could go two ways. "Yeah I am! What's your name?" The girl looked at her and smiled. "Kaylee. It's nice to meet you. I just wanted to say thank you for keeping him happy. And you seem like a beautiful sound and a great mum. I'm sorry for some of the disrespectful fans out there." Y/n smiled big. "Well thank you so much. I really appreciate it. You're so sweet." Kaylee gave Y/n a side hug and went in with her shopping. Lou and Darcy was at the bows when Y/n and Lux found them. Darcy seen Y/n and reached out for her. "Hello, my baby. Are you getting something pretty?" Darcy laughed and touched Y/n's face softly. "We found some cute stuff. Even I found something I like." Y/n watched as Lou showed her the few outfits she found for Darcy. "That's adorable!! She will need to wear that asap." As Y/n put Darcy in her stroller her phone went off.

HARRY: Where you at baby were breaking for lunch. I hope you're having fun

Y/n: We're at ✨Store Name✨ now and found Darcy some new clothes. It's been nice so far.

HARRY: Don't forget to get you something too. You deserve it.

Y/n: I will don't worry. I have some ideas 😘

Harry had get back to recording for the album. The girls went to a few more stores but not a lot because Darcy was getting cranky. Harry was getting bored and tired. Recording was fun but he also wanted to be shopping with his girls. Time passed and Y/n and Harry arrived at the hotel almost the exact same time. "Good timing, I'd say." Y/n rolled her eyes playfully and entered the room with a sleeping Darcy. "So how much did you get?" Y/n showed Harry the three outfits and pair of shoes she got. "Beautiful. Now what did you get for yourself?" Y/n blushed and pulled out a bag that was a small. "Well it's for me and you." Y/n pulled out some black lingerie that was very small. It had a little skirt and a see through top. Harry's eyes became saucers and he took the lingerie out of Y/n's hand. "Well you've never worn anything like this before. I'd like to see it. You'd look so sexy." Y/n stood between Harry's legs and her arms were wrapped around his neck. "Maybe next tour stop we can let the boys watch Darcy. I'm kinda anxious to see how they do with her. Since they're right next to us." Harry nodded and shifted himself. Y/n knew what was going on and she sat on his lap. "I loveeeee youuuuu." She loved teasing him. Especially when he couldn't do anything about it.

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