2 days gone

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It was almost time to get in the car for the hotel, but Darcy wasn't having it. She was teething so she was extremely fussy and she only wanted Y/n. Anytime she left the room Darcy screamed and had nothing to do with Harry. Y/n was getting Darcy dressed when Harry walked in bags in hand. "Are you ready? It's a two hour drive. Since we're driving ourselves it might take a little longer." Y/n fastened Darcy's onesie and put her pants on her. "Yep we're ready. Can you put her in her seat? I have to pee." Harry grabbed Darcy and surprisingly enough she didn't scream for Y/n. Harry put her in her seat and played with her while Y/n was doing her business. "Alright I'm ready. And I'm ready to take a nap." Harry smiled and grabbed Darcy in her car seat and headed out to the car. There were some fans around and asked Harry for a picture. He respectfully declined, having Darcy in his hands. "Do you mine if we get food? I'm starving." Y/n was on her phone looking through her pictures. "No I don't care at all. What you thinking?" Harry had his right hand on the wheel and his left on his lips. "Probably something quick. That good with you?" Y/n shook her head and they grabbed something small, knowing they will probably grab something bigger when they get to the hotel.

The three arrived at the hotel with a swarm of paparazzi around. Harry was directed to go to the back so they could avoid it all. He grabbed Darcy while Y/n grabbed the diaper bag and followed behind. They got into their room and Darcy was being fussy. Harry held her and she wasn't having it. She had drool all over her and she was extremely irritable. "Shh. Shh. Baby it's okay. Would you like a nice bath? Y/n what can I do?" Harry had some worry in his eyes. "Harry there's nothing we can do really. She's teething the only thing we can do is give her cold rags, rub her gums or give her medication." Harry was a worrier anyway but especially when it came to his baby. After about an hour of fighting sleep Darcy finally dozed off. "That was rough. I wish I could take her pain away. I hope she feels better before we see the boys tonight." Harry took a nap with Darcy while Y/n pumped. Her boobs felt like rocks and she was uncomfortable. She got a lot more than what she thought she would get and she was glad because Darcy will be hungry when she woke up. Y/n was on her phone when she heard a knock at the door. Before she could open it she heard Louis. "Lads be quiet little miss might be sleeping in there. Shut up, ya nonce." Y/n opened the door and immediately held her finger up to her lips signaling to be quiet. The other four boys gave her a hug and walked in. They noticed Harry was asleep too and asked Y/n to wake him up. "Harry wake up. The boys are here." Harry woke up immediately and looking to make sure Darcy was still asleep. "She's knocked out, Harry. Don't worry." Liam smiled and looked at her. "She still looks like the perfect mix of you too. Usually babies change who they look like but she hasn't." Niall walked over to her and sighed. "She looks like she's sick. Is she?" Y/n walked over and looked at her while feeling her forehead. "No, she's teething. She's been fussy and drooling insane amounts. She wants held all the time and she's not eating on her normal schedule. She's due to eat when she gets up." Niall nodded and so did Zayn. "We have to be at the studio for fittings at 10 am, Haz. Then we have a meeting to discuss all kinds of shit. You know the usual." Harry looked at Zayn and rubbed his eyes trying to stay awake. "Okay, sounds good." Darcy started to stir around and she was whimpering. Y/n laid on the bed next to her hoping she doesn't wake up. Thankfully she went back to sleep but probably not for long. "Well we're gonna go. Don't forget dinner tonight at 6, guys." Liam smiled at the couple and Niall's eyes lit up at the word dinner. "Speaking of dinner can we get lunch?" Louis and Zayn rolled their eyes and the boys walked out of the room. Y/n waited until they were gone to talk to Harry. "Harry I don't know if I'm comfortable taking the baby out to a restaurant with her teething and throwing her fits. Maybe you should go for both of us and bring me something back." Harry looked at her confused. "Are you sure? I mean we've had this planned for a bit. I agree with you though. I can stay if you want." Y/n shook her head no at Harry. "Nope you go. We can go out just us tomorrow night or something. Plus I don't want a lot of people holding her and stuff until she gets over this little teething spell." Harry agreed and they decided to take a nap until Darcy woke up.

5 PM

Harry was getting ready for dinner when Y/n went into the bathroom carrying Darcy. "Little babe wanted to tell Daddy bye. She'll be in bed by the time you get back." Harry smiled and grabbed his little girl and she smiled. "Are you gonna miss me? Hm? I'm gonna miss you too.  I wish you felt better baby I love you." Harry gave Darcy a kiss and his phone went off signaling the car was ready with the boys. "I'll see you in a little bit, okay? I won't be late." Y/n nodded her head and Harry gave her a goodbye kiss. "I love you." Y/n responded "I love you too" and he was gone. Y/n looked at Darcy, and she had drool once again all over her. "Oh you crazy little girl. What am I gonna do with you? Let's get you a bath and ready for bed." Y/n put Darcy in her swing Harry insisted on bringing and started her bath water. Y/n planned on getting in with her. When the water was at the correct level Y/n put Darcy's baby tub in and set her in. Darcy played in the little bubbles and Y/n grabbed her phone to take a picture and send to Harry.

Y/N: Sorry to interrupt but look at your daughter

HARRY: Baby you know better then to say that you never bother me

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HARRY: Baby you know better then to say that you never bother me. She's so gorgeous. Is she playing in the bubbles?

Y/N: She is and she seems to be feeling better. I'm going to get her out now. I love you I'll see you when you get back.

HARRY: Okay I love you too and I'll bring you something back. Be there in about an hour

Y/n got Darcy out of the bath and in her little robe and to put lotion powder and her diaper on her. Darcy started to get a little fussy. She laid with her for about half an hour and then decided to feed her for the night. Then Harry came walking in carrying a bag. "I brought you food I hope you like it." Y/n smiled while breastfeeding Darcy, walking with her. "Thank you." Harry and Y/n met halfway and kissed and Harry rubbed Darcy's head. "She's almost out I was hoping she'd still be up." Y/n looked down at her baby whose eyes were almost closed. "She was hungry and tired, baby. Have you been drinking?" Harry smiled. "I had one but only for a toast for tour to start. You're not mad are you?" Y/n shook her head at Harry. "No, not at all. I just thought I smelled it. I'm glad you had fun though. You're gonna be busy." Harry gave Y/n a kiss on the cheek and took a shower. Y/n rocked Darcy to sleep and finally she was out. Once she knew the baby was out Y/n put her in bassinet and got her food out to eat. It was a steak medium with a baked potato and broccoli. It was amazing even though it was takeaway. Harry came out of the shower shirtless and in basketball shorts. "We have to be at the fitting at 10, remember? I'm hoping the baby will be up." Y/n swallowed some food before answering. "You or I will have to wake her up if not. She's usually up around 7." Harry let Y/n finish eating and then they crawled in bed turning in the tv for sound. The baby was next to Harry and he leaned down to kiss her goodnight. "Goodnight, my sweet. I love you." Y/n smiled and cuddled up to Harry awaiting for tomorrow.

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