Weve arrived

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Nine hours passed and Darcy only slept for three of those hours on and off. Harry and Y/n slept some too, but not much. The plane landed in Florida and their car was waiting for them right at the plane. Darcy was incredibly fussy, not wanting either one of her parents. "Darcy you have to get into the seat, baby." She fought Harry until she tired out and was defeated. She fell asleep again in the car but the ride was only an hour. They were using the same car the whole trip so the car seat would stay. Y/n grabbed Darcy while Harry and security grabbed the bags. Harry wasn't one to not help others especially with his own luggage. They got into the room, taking it all in. It was a nice size, Disney themed room. They didn't want anything fancy, and didn't want to draw in anymore attention. They knew once they stepped foot into the parks it would be a madhouse. "Do you want to grab dinner tonight at a restaurant?" Y/n was holding Darcy on her chest, laying on the bed patting her butt to keep her asleep. "Yes please. I have the perfect outfit for her and I. She's gonna sleep for a little bit longer and then we can start figuring out where to go." Y/n slowly put Darcy down on one of the queen sized beds in the room. She rolled around but thankfully didn't wake up. Harry sat on the nice chair in the room, scrolling on his phone looking for restaurants. Y/n parted his arms and sat on his lap, awaiting a response. "Well hello. What do you want?" Y/n put Harry's arms around her, his arms tightening her in a hug. "You." Harry kissed her cheek and Y/n threw her arm around his shoulders, looking at places with him. "Hm. This place sounds good. They have seafood and Italian. Seems like a bit of everything. What you think?" Y/n looked at the place on Harry's screen. It looked nice, elegant even. "Looks expensive. You sure you can afford this?" Harry gave her a look, one that she knew too well. "Baby come on now. You're goofy." Y/n giggled and let Harry know it was a good choice. She tried to get up but he stopped her, grabbing her waist. "Excuse me. You're not going anywhere." Y/n huffed in fake annoyance and crossed her arms at Harry. He kissed her arms and hugged on her. "What time do we go to dinner?" Harry still loved on Y/n and picked her up over his shoulder and put her on the bed. "Our reservation is at five pm. So we have three hours for Darcy to sleep and for mom and dad to relax. But I don't wanna relax. I wanna talk." Harry looked in Y/n's eyes and she got nervous. Her anxiety went to an all time high. "Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?" Harry laid next to Y/n and grabbed her waist and hugged her. "No baby you didn't do anything wrong and of course everything is okay. I just want to talk about how you're feeling. What you wanna do these next couple of days." Y/n turned to look at Darcy. "Well I wanna go to Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom. Let her meet the characters and just have fun with you and her before the next six months hit us. We have a busy six months with her turning one, the album coming out, tour starting again in February and the wedding. Plus if we want to try for another baby. I just want to spend time just us three." Harry interlocked his fingers with hers and kissed her. "You got it. No matter what you got it. I'm going to make you and Darcy my number one. I know the next year is gonna be nuts as always but we can do it." Y/n and Harry relaxed on the bed for an hour and Darcy woke up. She rolled over and her she smiled when she saw Y/n and Harry looking at her. "Hello, pretty girl. Look at that dimple." Darcy played with her hands and was in a great mood. Y/n got up and went over to Darcy picking her up. "Are you ready for dinner? It's gonna be good." Harry went over to their bags and started humming a song on the new album. "What's that?" Harry turned around and smiled. "It's called Night Changes. It's on the new album." Y/n smiles and looked at Darcy. "You want Daddy to sing to you while we get ready?" Harry was wearing what he had on and Y/n changed her clothes and changed Darcy's diaper and clothes as well. Harry sang some to Darcy and she loved listening to him. She loved listening to Harry sing. It calms her down since he did it all through Y/n's pregnancy.
    The three went out do the hotel and shockingly no paparazzi was around, mostly because nobody knew they were going to be in Florida. They entered the restaurant to nobody looking at them, and they were glad to have a relaxing time with each other. Darcy was good throughout dinner, and she ate a lot of her food. Y/n and Harry spoke about the wedding and the album as well as tour. Darcy's birthday party came up as well. "I still only want a small party. The boys, your mom, sister and my sister. Raegan of course, and Lou with Lux if they can make it. I want to do it at our house, nothing big. She won't remember if anyway." Darcy's face was covered with max and cheese, which Harry was feeding her. "Good girl, Darcy. You ate almost all of your dinner. That's a good idea, about a small party. I don't want a lot of people there either. I don't want to do the performance next week either. I don't know to much of the songs and we have little time to practice." Y/n smiled at Harry, watching him feed Darcy until she refused anymore. "I love watching you perform. I'm sure you'll perform some older songs won't you?" Harry shook his head yes. "We plan on it but  we don't know what one's though." They finished their dinner and went back to the hotel. Anne texted Harry and told him that people knew they were there now, due to people seeing them and pictures taken. "Great. Our little vacation is ruined. People know we're here now so it's gonna be a little harder to do stuff." Harry huffed and sighed feeling aggravated with the news. "Harry people are going to find out anyway when we step into the park. It was bound to happen. Especially with new music coming out be prepared for people  to come talk to us." Harry covered his face with the pillow, and sighed again. "I don't care if people talk to me or you I just want to enjoy our getaway without worrying about people bombarding us. We have her now so we have to be a lot more careful. People better not try to touch her or I'll go ballistic." Y/n rubbed Harry's leg and tried to get Darcy to go to sleep now that she had her belly full. "I know baby. I don't want our few days ruined either. It'll be great though we're gonna have a lot of fun. Even if people come up to us we will be nice and if they want a picture with you don't turn them down. They love you very much and are excited." Harry knew she was right. She's always right but he wouldn't admit that. "It's a good thing you're pretty, you know that?" Y/n kissed Harry and put the baby down, ready for the day tomorrow.

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