The sequel to You and me and a Baby Makes three shows Harry, Y/n's first year after Darcy is born.
I don't like a lot of sad content so there will be no breakups or major fights just like the first ❤️
The last leg of tour officially started and everyone was in a high. Darcy was almost ten months old and she was starting to walk. Y/n had been feeling nauseous but she figured it was the food she was eating at the stadiums. Her stomach did flips all the time but she shrugged it off. One morning she was finishing her makeup while Harry was dressing Darcy in the hotel. Her stomach did a turn and she had to throw up. She almost didn't make it to the toilet and she projectile vomited. Harry heard her and opened the door to see Y/n sitting at the base of the toilet. "What's wrong?" Y/n sat up and looked at Harry. "My stomach had been upset for a whole week. I don't know what's going on." Y/n got up and wiped her mouth and a thought came to her. Her period was late. It was never late so she started to text Lou and see if she could pick her up some pregnancy tests. "Harry I think I might be pregnant." Harry's jaw dropped and he smiled. He ran up to Y/n and hugged her. "You think so? You really think so?" Y/n smiled and hugged him back. "I mean it's a good possibility. It's been about four weeks since that night." Harry rubbed her shoulders and looked at her almost with tears in his eyes. "We might have another baby." Lou came back to the hotel with three tests. She didn't stay because it was a personal moment. Y/n took a test and waited a moment. Harry entered the bathroom with Darcy on his hip. "If I am pregnant I don't want anyone to know yet. Not even the boys. I just want Lou to know right now." Harry nodded and looked at Darcy. "Darcy. Would you like a little brother or sister?" Y/n looked at Darcy while waiting for her answer. She smiled and clapped her hands while screaming a little bit. She was growing so much. She looked so much like Harry it was scary. From the curly brown hair to her green eyes. She was beautiful and she couldn't get anymore spoiled and loved. Harry out her down and she wobbly walked over to Y/n. She started to fall but Y/n caught her. "Oh goodness. Mommy's got you." Y/n picked Darcy up and kissed her cheeks. She smiled and Y/n looked at the test.
Y/n let Darcy down and looked at the test and she started smiling. She showed Harry and he lit up. "Holy shit! We're gonna have another baby!" He came over to her and picked her up and hugged her. Y/n held on to Harry and hugged him back. He put her down and rubbed her face. "I love you." He kissed Y/n and he continued to kiss her cheeks. Darcy started yelling and Harry ran over to her. "Did you hear that, baby? We're gonna have another baby! You're gonna have a brother or sister!" Harry held out his hand to Y/n and she took it, pulling her in to his hold. "My girls." Y/n gave Darcy a snack on her way to the venue. It made her sick to look at it but she needed to pull it together. She wanted to wait until they got home from tour before she goes to the doctor. She would be 8 weeks if the timing was correct. Harry carried Darcy into the venue and Y/n got sick again. She ran to the closest bathroom and came back looking very pale. "Are you okay?" Harry looked at her worried. He gave Darcy to Niall and went to check on Y/n. "Yeah I'm okay. Just morning sickness I guess. Remember don't tell anyone until we get back home." Harry nodded and kissed her cheek. Harry and Y/n came back to Niall and Darcy eating some goldfish crackers. "Niall she already ate a snack." Niall took the goldfish but Darcy wasn't having it. "I didn't give them to her she took them. Almost made me drop 'em." Harry took Darcy and she was bawling her eyes out. "Darcy you can't take people snacks. You can have some but do not take." Her lip puffed out and she was literally a little Harry. She was sleepy and wanted Harry to nap with her. "Baby I can't i have to go but we will when I get done, okay? Y/n take her I have to go." Y/n took Darcy and she put her face into Y/n's neck. "It's okay, baby. We're gonna go watch. Let's go." Y/n and Darcy went to their usual spot and the concert started. Darcy started to calm down and watch her daddy. He was jumping around and dancing. Singing to everyone and came over to sing to her and Y/n. Darcy was standing and dancing to the music and Harry got a twinkle in his eyes. His little girl was dancing to his bands music and it made him dance more. Harry motioned for security. "Hey could you go get Darcy for me, please?" Security came over to Y/n. "Harry would like to have Darcy if that's okay." Y/n smiled and let Darcy go with security. They took her up to Harry and once the crowd knew what was happening they started screaming. "Alright! We have a very big girl with us tonight. This is the first time I've ever brought her up on stage. This is my little girl Darcy. Isn't she beautiful?" The crowd erupted and screamed for Darcy. The boys gathered around Harry and Darcy loving it as much as Harry was. Y/n was watching and she couldn't help but think that this time next year she would have two babies and be married. Harry sang with Darcy in his arms for a little bit and then let her go back to Y/n. "Did you have fun baby?" Darcy clapped her hands and reached for Y/n. She picked her up and took her backstage since the concert was almost over. Darcy was eating a muffin with Y/n when the boys walked in. "That show as amazing! And that girl was definitely flirtin with ya, Payno." Louis made a cheeky smile and went over to Y/n and Darcy. "Y/n could I take a walk with little girl here? Just wanna cool down." Zayn spoke as well. "Me too. We need to have a conversation about her birthday gift." Y/n smiled and let Darcy finish her muffin. "Of course but you guys don't have to get her anything. Just you guys loving her is enough." Zayn went over to Darcy and picked her up going out the door with Liam also following behind. "Hey! I wanna hold her!" Harry walked in with Niall wondering where Darcy went. "With the other boys. They want to talk to her about her birthday." Harry nodded and sat on the couch with a bottle of water. "You feeling okay?" Y/n nodded and a thumbs up. Niall looked at Y/n with his eyebrows raised. "You sick?" Y/n came up with a lie really quickly, not wanting anyone to catch on. "I had a stomach bug and I couldn't really eat anything earlier." Niall shrugged it off, satisfied with the answer. The three silently sat in the room until the others came back with Darcy. "Mum mum!" Darcy screamed in Liam's arms to Y/n. "Hi baby! Did you have fun with the boys?" Darcy smiled and nodded her head. "Presents." Y/n smiled and looked at the boys. "They're gonna get you a lot of presents? That's great, sweetheart. Are you ready to get on the road?" Darcy nodded and Harry swooped her up and carried her. "Alright, little miss. We need a bath and then snuggles. Is that clear?" Harry tickled her while headed to the bus. Y/n stood up a little to fast and got a little dizzy but shook it off to keep going. Harry bathed Darcy while Y/n laid down. Her head was hurting probably from her pregnancy. She walked into the bus bathroom and saw Harry bent over the tub washing Darcy's hair. "And tip back. There you go, darling. Beautiful." Y/n touched Harry's shoulder and rubbed them. He put his head back and let out a hum. "That feels good. Thank you." Y/n reached down and kissed his cheek. Harry got Darcy out of the tub and put her jammie's on her and combed her hair. She had her own little bunk now and she climbed in it. She had a bottle with some milk and she was out. Y/n and Harry went to bed, only to talk for a little bit. "I can't wait to go home. Only four weeks to go." Harry smiled and put a hand in Y/n's belly. "When we go home we need to go to the doctor. Make sure little one is okay. I can't believe you're pregnant." Y/n but her lip and turned around to face Harry. "You think we can do it? Being on the road, planning a wedding, buying a house and taking care of Darcy?" Harry sighed and puffed out his lips. "I know we can. We just have to make sure to keep everything on top. As for the wedding we have a little bit of time. We have the date. That's settled. Any certain colors?" Y/n thought about it. "Well your favorite color is blue and mine is green so we could do light blue and green?" Y/n cuddled up to Harry and put his hand behind her back, rubbing it. "That would be nice. I figured Darcy could be put flower girl. And the boys my groomsmen. I don't think I could have a best man. I wouldn't want to hurt any of their feelings." Y/n traced shapes on Harry's chest. She didn't even think about bridesmaids. "I know I want Lou as a bridesmaid. My sister and Raegan. Lux too. I don't think I want my mom there. She hasn't spoken one word to me since I left home." Harry cuddled closer to Y/n, practically squeezing her. "I know it's hard for you baby but she was awful to you. I wouldn't trust her there and I sure as hell don't want Darcy around her. It's not happening." Y/n didn't say anything because Harry was right. "What about a house? Would you want to start looking as soon as we get home?" Harry smiled and pulled out his phone. "Well I wanted to surprise you but I'm at a standstill. I've been in touch with a realtor in our area. I was focused on a one level house. Nothing crazy big. Three to four bedroom. And I think I found the perfect one. Just want your opinion." Harry showed Y/n a picture.
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It was so pretty. Y/n's mouth dropped and she realized that was potentially her dream home. It had the perfect porch, enough space for four people and it was a little out of the town. "Harry I love it. It's beautiful." Harry smiled and showed her more pictures of the interior. "I love it too. So what do you say? One offer and it's potentially ours. We can move in when we get home." Y/n looked at the house again. Big yard, little back from the road and a beautiful porch. "Let's do it" Harry kissed her and she fell into it, making it last longer than what it should have. "Im texting the realtor right now. He's been waiting on my answer." He pushed send and that was it. But Y/n was nervous. Four months off from tour is a good bit of time but she also had a house to move into. But there was a bright side...her baby. She was counting down the days for tour to be over she could focus a little more on her growing family.