Happy birthday

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Y/n woke up  and got Darcy's present she ordered. She wrapped them awhile ago and she did her best to keep them hidden. She had a few she wanted opened with just the three of them, the rest take to Anne's. As she was finishing up Harry came into view his hair all over the place. "Good morning again,Prince Charming. That hair is a mess." Harry mimicked Y/n and went over to her, kissing her on the cheek. "Morning baby. Who's more excited, you or Darcy?" Y/n shrugged knowing the answer. "I don't know you tell me." Harry smirked and looked at the gifts. "What the hell did you... I mean we get her? Is there anything left in the store?" Y/n opened the fridge to get eggs out for Darcy. "Just a few things left. Don't worry I didn't go too crazy there's enough for a few more people." Harry looked around, rubbing his belly and stretched. "We have to be on the plane at 9 am in the morning. Perform at noon and then her little party with  the boys. I can only imagine what the hell they got her." Y/n got 4 eggs out and put the rest back, while grabbing a bottle from the rack. "Whatever it is she will love it. They love our little girl. Sometimes too much. But in a good way." Before Y/n started breakfast Harry motioned for her, wanting her to come to him. He grabbed her hips, her feeling something in his lower region through his shorts. "Do I get a gift too?" Harry started kissing up her neck making her gasp and she grabbed his growing curls in one hand and her other hand on his waist. Harry pushed her up against the the counter and took off her shirt. He started to unhook her bra and kissed her chest. Harry knew they couldn't go full on due to Y/n still healing but they could have some fun. He ran his tongue along her chest making her bite her lip. He went back up to her neck and nipped at her skin causing her to hiss and giggle. "Fuck, Y/n. I haven't been this horny in a long time." He sat her on the counter and squeezed the side of her thighs. Y/n kissed Harry and he started to push her farther back when Darcy started crying. "Oh shit." Y/n and Harry sighed and he helped her off the counter. "This will be continued later this evening. I promise you." Y/n smiled and walked past Harry, touching his lower region making him growl and laugh at the same time. He calmed himself enough for Darcy and walked behind the counter to help Y/n with the breakfast. "Daddy we have a happy birthday girl here." Y/n looked at Harry and he smiled. His eyes glossed over some and walked to Darcy. "Happy birthday, angel. You're a whole year old! And you've done so much. I love you." He kissed Darcy's cheek and carried her over to her high chair making her happy know what was coming for her. Y/n started making food and Harry played with Darcy. "Da!" Darcy squealed at Harry making him happy. Y/n fixed Darcy and Harry some eggs and some strawberries. Harry fed her and himself while Y/n got out Darcy's birthday outfit. A pink shirt and purple tutu to start the party and then Y/n will just put her in a diaper for her cake. Y/n came out and Darcy was finishing up her food. She had a little bit of juice in a bottle but she really wanted Y/n. "Come here. You know we really have to get you ready. We have to be to Grammys in about two hours." Y/n laid Darcy on her chest and Darcy ate from her as well. "When are you gonna stop that? Not that I care but I didn't know the cut off." Y/n patted Darcy's butt and she slowly drifted off to sleep again. "Well in reality it's up to mom and baby based on comfort, but I'm ready to stop now. She's bit me a few times and now that she's one I think it's time. Some people don't stop until the baby is three." Harry shook his head and decided to get ready himself. Y/n laid Darcy on the couch and let her sleep for another few moment. She looked at her, starting to cry. She still had Harrys hair and features. She looked like Y/n to and she was still the perfect mix. Her skin was clear and smooth, with no scratches or anything. Harry came into the room wearing what he was wearing to the party. A burgundy button up with dark blue skinny jeans and boots. Y/n looked up and smiled at Harry, wanting to get dressed herself. She asked him to sit with Darcy while she got dressed. She wore a black tank top and black leggings, brown and red plaid shirt and light brown boots. She straightened her hair and put on eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. She looked at her actual skin and decided on spot concealer and highlighter. Her lips were naturally blushed so she just had clear lipgloss on. She turned around to the door and saw Harry standing in the doorway looking her up and down. "I don't know what's wrong with me today but if Darcy wasn't in there I'd take you in every room." Y/n laughed and put her hand on Harry's chest. "Sure you would." Harry laughed menacingly and grabbed her hand as she walked away. "I'm serious. You look amazing. You have your glow back and it's so hot." Harry closed in on her and kissed her getting lipgloss on his lips. "Nice gloss." He put his lips together and tasted it. " Is that coconut?" Y/n rolled her eyes and woke Darcy up. "Darcy. Wake up we need to get you ready." Surprisingly she woke up without a fight and got in the tub for her mum. Y/n gave her a good bath and got her dressed, with time to take a few pictures. "Are you posting these?" Y/n nodded and told Harry to hold Darcy. "Smile." Harry held her close and tickled Darcy to hell her smile a little more. Then Y/n took her and did the same type of picture. The three got in the car, headed towards Anne's. Once pulled in Gemma ran outside, waiting on Darcy. "Where's my baby?" Harry was the first to answer. "I'm right here, Gem. Don't worry." Gemma gave Harry a disgusted look and opened the back of the car. "There she is! Aunt Gemmies baby! Come here." Darcy went to Gemma and she received kisses from her. "Happy birthday, sweet thing. I love you." Gemma looked at Y/n and Harry. "I'm coming out here now because mum is going to take her from me as soon as she sees her." Gemma carried Darcy in the house and as soon as she walked through the door Anne ran to her. "Happy birthday, lovie! Mammies baby! She's growing so much." Darcy was passed between Anne, Robin and Gemma. She never got to see them a lot due to traveling with the band. Harry brought the other gifts in, deciding the ones she was going to open this morning could wait until tonight. Harry, Y/n and Darcy took a picture with all three of them. Robin was holding Darcy when Anne came out with a little cake that had a big "1" on it. She was put in her high chair but couldn't figure out the whole "smash" thing. Harry told her to stick her fingers in it and play as much as possible.

She dug her fingers in getting white icing all over her

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She dug her fingers in getting white icing all over her. Her little birthday hat tilted to one side and almost fell off of her head the group sang happy birthday to the baby and cleaned her up. Y/n cleaned her off and put her on Harry's lap to open gifts. She opened a few from Anne first. She got her a magic touch piano to teach her music, lego bath tub toys and a swing that can be put up on the door frame to bounce. Gemma got her a few outfits and a scoot around bike. Harry and Y/n's gifts contained something she loved; a play tent and tunnel with a ball pit, and a little bracelet with her name on it. The party ended with kissed and hugs, Gemma mostly not wanting to let Darcy go.
When they got home Harry carried Darcy's presents in, both of them to tired to open the rest and REALLY too tired to do what Harry wanted to finish earlier. They decided to go to bed and wake up early enough to open the rest of Darcy's gifts and possibly finish where Harry left off.

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