It Begins...

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Y/n and Harry adjusted to being parents well. Darcy was four months old and had her own little personality. She slept throughout the night and ate well. Harry and Y/n felt tired a lot but they were proud of their little girl. The album sold amazingly well as expected, and tour started in little under a month. Y/n was changing Darcy's diaper when Harry walked into the nursery with his phone to his ear. " Mmhmm. Yeah. Sounds good. Of course we'll bring the baby are you kidding? Couldn't go a week without her. Yeah. Haha... okay bye." Harry hung up the phone and stood at the door frame. "That was management. We leave tomorrow afternoon to get fittings done for tour." Harry noticed Darcy was done getting her butt changed and he picked her up. "And they want to meet  little princess here." Darcy smiled at Harry and his eyes lit up. He seen so much of Y/n when he looked at her. Her smile was like Y/n and it made him feel emotional. She was beautiful. Her green eyes the same shade as Harry's were glowing under the natural light of the nursery. "I've never seen someone stare at someone so much. Why don't you stare at me anymore, hm?" Harry laughed and put Darcy in her swing for her afternoon nap.  M "Well how would you like me to stare at you?" Harry grabbed Y/n by her waist and held her close, grabbing her arms and wrapping them around his neck. "Would you like me to stare at" He kissed her cheek. "Here?" Then her jaw. ""  Harry kissed Y/n's neck and she was starting to unwind. "Harry. We can't right now." Harry didn't want to stop. Him and Y/n haven't done anything for a month and he was getting needy. He didn't push though; with them being new parents it was hard for them to do anything. Harry stopped kissing her neck and hugged her tight. "Tonight then. It's a date. Maybe Darcy could go to my mums for the night while we have some fun?" Y/n gave Harry a quizzical look and eventually responded. "I guess that would be okay. I mean she loves your mum so whenever you want to call her." Harry wasted no time and called his mother. "Mum? Yeah Darcy's  fine. Listen speaking of the baby could you watch her tonight? Yeah, all night. Y/n and I want to have a night to ourselves before tour. No we're not trying for a second baby. Yeah we will bring her over in about an hour. Okay. Bye." Harry hung up and walked into the twos bedroom. "We can drop the baby off in about an hour." Y/n's eyes went wide and she took off. "An hour? I can't be ready in an hour and have her ready in an hour!" Harry grabbed Y/na arm to stop her. "Hold it princess. She has to be at my mums in an hour we don't have to be ready for three. We can just run her over and come back here to get ready." Y/n breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God. But I still have to get her overnight bag ready." Y/n had a hard time packing a bag for Darcy. She got to the point where she threw two sleeping outfits and her diapers and other toiletries in the bags. "Does your mom have clothes for her? From last time we stayed there?" Harry wasn't sure so he guess. "Hell if I know. Knowing mum she's bought her five new outfits since last week."
Y/n and Harry put Darcy in the car and drove to his mums. Pulling in Anne was already at the door waiting for her grand babies arrival. "There's mammies baby! Look at you in your little outfit. Are we gonna have fun?" Darcy looked at Anne and smiled, her dimple showing through. "Mum. We will be by to get her around 10 in the morning. Thank you again." Anne gave Harry a kiss on the cheek as well as Y/n. Y/n had tears in her eyes because she has never left her baby alone with anyone besides Harry. "Bye baby. We will see you in the morning, okay? You mind mammie and try not to get into trouble. I love you." Darcy smiled at Y/n and she gave her kisses before she left. Y/n and Harry walked to the car hand in hand. Y/n was still teary eyed, and Harry noticed as he was getting in the car. "What's wrong?" Y/n put her belt on and rubbed her nose. " I'm just not used to leaving her. I miss her already." Harry giggled to himself and held her hand. " Y/n she's in perfect hands. Mum won't let anything happen to her. She will send us pictures all night if you want and let us know how she is." Y/n felt a little better but with her being a new mum she's still going to worry. "What you say we go back home to get ready and then go out? Something quiet and then come back home?" Y/n agreed and the two arrived back at their flat moments later. Y/n felt lost without Darcy there and kept thinking she was there. She hopped in the shower and she almost asked Harry to check the baby more than once. Harry followed her into the shower after a few moments and they took a long shower together. "Do you know what you're wearing?" Harry helped Y/n wash her hair. "Yeah, I have a denim dress I bought a while back before we met. I'm hoping it fits." Harry bit his lip and washed the soap out of  his  hair. "I'm sure it will. And you'll look hot." Y/n's face went red and she got out of the shower, Harry following suit. He put on a pair of black skinny jeans a black undershirt and and dark blue and white polka dot shirt. Y/n put on her dress and it fit almost perfectly except for the boob area. It was a little too small for her since she was breastfeeding. Harry was putting his belt on when Y/n walked out wearing her dress and heels. He looked up and his mouth went wide open. She was beautiful. Light makeup of eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss, hair in an loose bun and her engagement ring shining. "Baby you look...amazing." Y/n blushed and gave Harry a hug. "You look amazing too. Are you ready?" Harry shook his head yes, still barely able to speak. The so walked out the door to enjoy one of their last evenings of freedom .

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