The sequel to You and me and a Baby Makes three shows Harry, Y/n's first year after Darcy is born.
I don't like a lot of sad content so there will be no breakups or major fights just like the first ❤️
THE NEXT DAY Harry got up to the sound of Darcy screaming in her room. She sounded mad and Harry ran to see what was wrong. As soon as she saw Harry she smiled and he knew she just wanted picked up. "Oh you crazy girl. Come here." Darcy raised her arms and let Harry pick her up. "Daaa." Darcy whispered and touched Harry's face. He gave her kisses on her face and looked at her. "You're so sweet. Are you ready for vacation?" Darcy giggled and tried to wiggle out of Harry's arms. "Oh no you don't. Lets get your diaper changed and go lay down in the big bed. Darcy wiggled the whole time and when she saw Y/n she wanted her. "Ma." Y/n rolled over and woke up to the sound of her baby. "Hello, lovely. Did you sleep well?" Darcy fell on Y/n's face and gave her some open mouth kisses. "Oh thank you so much. I love the kisses." Y/n looked at Harry who was pouting a little. "Darcy I think daddy wants kisses too." Harry looked up and smiled while Darcy turned around and fell into his arms giving him slobbery kisses. He hugged his little girl tight. "That was the best kiss ever. Do you think I should give mommy kisses?" Y/n smiled and puffed out her lips ready for Harry. He leaned in and kissed Y/n, with him wishing he could have more. "I love you." Harry looked into her eyes. "I love you too. What time are we leaving?" Harry looked at his phone, and his eyes widened. "An hour. A car should be here to take us to the plane." Y/n got up and got dressed, wearing one of Harry's green shirts and a pair of shorts. She threw her hair in a bun and put on some light makeup since she wouldn't really see anyone. Harry took Darcy to get her clothes on. He put her in a blue shirt with pink flowers on it and pink pants to match the flowers. He attempted piggy tails and he actually did pretty good. He carried her back to the bed and plopped her down awaiting Y/n to come out so he can get ready. Harry wore a black shirt with a red plaid flannel over it and black jeans. His hair was reaching his shoulders and his curls flowed all over his head. "Next week we have to perform a few songs off the new album and then Darcy's little party. I'm kinda glad her actual birthday is the day after we get back." Y/n loved watching Harry perform so she was okay with going. "Fun fun. Plus the boys will see little her before her birthday." Harry filled Darcy's go away bag with clothes and snacks making sure to pack extra for the plane ride. He didn't notice Y/n coming up behind him, jumping on his back. "Jesus Christ you scared me! Don't start something you can't finish." Y/n was on his back and bit at his neck making him laugh. Darcy was sitting on the bed playing with her toes not even paying attention. Y/n got down and Harry turned her around to face him. He kissed her multiple little times and spanked her butt before he walked away and put on a black hat, which Y/n loved. "I love hats on you. It's so cute." Harry laughed and finished his own bag, which Y/n started. His phone went off and his eyes widened. "Car is already here. We gotta go." The driver came in and got the bags while Y/n got Darcy and Harry got the car seat, putting it in. They also brought Darcy's stroller for the walk around Disney and other places they were going. Everyone but Darcy was pretty quiet. She was babbling away blowing spit bubbles, and Y/n had to wipe them away. It took about an hour to get to the plane, and thank goodness they had their own. Harry grabbed Darcy in her seat and took her on the plane to Florida. Y/n sat down and Darcy was walking (barely) around the plane figuring out what to get into. "Darcy?" Baby girl turned around to look at her mum. "Are you hungry?" She smiled and walked towards Y/n, wanting a snack. Y/n bent over and looked for Darcy's snack when Harry entered the plane. He took his opportunity to spank Y/n's butt. "Gotchu again." He winked at her, making her face red. Y/n pulled out some little pieces of apples and gave little bits to Darcy. Harry put Darcy on his lap and ate some apples with her. "How long of a flight do we have?" Harry had some apple in his mouth and checked his phone. "Mmm about 9 hours. So miss thing should be well rested." Y/n was looking out the window watching the ground being taken away from her, while Harry and Darcy finished up the apples. There were two beds on the plane and Harry put Darcy down for her nap, changing her into a little striped shirt and a diaper for her comfort, hoping she would sleep for a few hours. Darcy was out almost instantly and she had her little stuffed giraffe with her.
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Harry and Y/n decided to lay down, hopefully making the flight go faster. Y/n cuddled up to Harry, her head on his chest. "Excited?" Y/n smiled and looked up at Harry. "Of course. It's Disney! I think I'm more excited than Darcy or you." Harry shook his head smiling. "No I'm more excited. I got you beat." Y/n scooted up to face Harry, eye to eye. "I hate to break it to you, Mr. Styles but I am wayyyy more excited than you." Y/n poked his dimple, making him smile and get closer. "Not a chance." She got closer to him, making their lips touch. Harry's and Y/n's lips moved in sync causing a makeout session. Harry started feeling around on Y/n's body, bringing her closer. Y/n's arms wrapped tightly around his neck. It didn't go anywhere, just making out. When they stopped, Harry spoke first. "We haven't done that in a while. You know, make out." Y/n nodded and kissed his red cheeks. "I know. Wanna do it some more?" Harry didn't give a moments thought and leaned in to Y/n tongues becoming intwined. Y/n lifted her leg on Harry's hip, making him grab ahold of it, rubbing it up and down. Darcy made a slight noise and Y/n popped up and looked over Harry's shoulder. "Baby she's fine. She's probably dreaming." Y/n's chin sat on Harry's upper arm, cuddling. Finally she fell asleep in that position, Harry not far behind her.