Time for dessert

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Y/n got Darcy up a little earlier than usual so she could give her a bath. She didn't care for baths but it was a lot better to give her one in a hotel then on the bus. Darcy laid in her tub while Y/n got in washed both of their hair. "There we go. And washhhhh the hair. Now wash the booty butt. Good god look at your neck.." Y/n scrubbed Darcy's neck clean and finished washing her while the baby played with her toys. Y/n put her ducky towel around her with a good and brought her to the bed where Harry was sleeping. "Gotta dry the baby. Then we put the lotion on her to keep her moisturized and smelling good." Darcy screamed and smiled and Harry turned around waking up. "What on earth? What time is it?" Y/n looked at the clock. "It is 8 in the morning. We just got a bath and now we getting ready for the day, aren't we?" Y/n kissed Darcy's nose and she looked up behind her and noticed Harry was laying on his phone. "Harry." He looked at Y/n and then at Darcy, who was flashing a gummy smile. "Well there she is. My clean baby girl. Did you get a bath with mommy?" He got off the bed and grabbed her clothes. He put her clothes on her and picked her up and cuddled onto her. "Y/n when we get to the next city how about we let Niall and Louis watch her so we can do something." Y/n folded Harry's clothes and put them in a suitcase. "Do you think they will? Or could even handle her?" Harry patted Darcy's butt and she was playing with his hair that was starting to grow to his shoulder. "I think so. I asked Niall and he said he could. I just wanna do something with you. We haven't for awhile." Y/n finished the packing and reached to Harry and kissed him. "I don't have a problem with it. I trust them but I hope she doesn't have a blow out. I don't know if they could handle it."
The bus was moving and Zayn had Darcy on his lap. "She sure is getting big." He pulled her up to face him, holding onto her arms. "Aren't you, little one? I feel like I'm looking at Harry." Darcy leaned on Zayn gave him some cuddles. He hugged on her and gave her cuddles back. "Hey give me my girl." Louis was reaching to Darcy and Zayn handed her over. "Now Darcy, since you're gonna be with us tonight we're gonna have some rules. No crying, no slobbers and absolutely no pooping." Harry let out a chuckle. "You'll be lucky if that happens." Everyone got to the hotel a few hours later and Darcy was wide awake. Harry carried her in and she was chatting away. "Oh yeah? That's interesting tell me more." Harry acted like he knew what she was saying and laid her on the hotel bed. "Y/n could you hand me a nappy? I think she shit." Y/n threw him a nappy and wipers. "Thank you." Harry started to change her and gagged. Y/n started laughing and tried to help Harry. "No no. I got it. Whew. Nasty girl." He made it and threw the nappy in the trash and cleaned her up. He put it on her and just left her pants off. "There we go. All clean and daddy didn't throw up. Almost. But didn't!" Harry texted the boys that Darcy was ready to go with them and Harry took her over. Only two rooms down because there was a chance Y/n would miss her. Harry had Darcy on his hip and knocked on the door. Niall opened it and instantly grabbed for her. "Well hello my cupcake! Are we gonna have fun? Is it okay if we take her somewhere? There is a little park down the road Louis was talking about." Harry thought it would be okay, he didn't see a problem with it. "Just be careful. No slides by herself and go on everything with her." Niall shook his head and said Harry said bye to Darcy. "Bye bye baby. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Darcy waved bye bye and Niall shut the door. Harry sighed and walked back to his room. When he walked in he found Y/n on the bed wearing...almost nothing. She had the black panties on and a black crop top with no bra. Harry walked a fast pace to the bed and jumped on her. "Now what in the world do we have here?" Y/n played with Harry's hair and made her way down to his chest. "Just wanted to tease you a little bit before we go. Where do you wanna eat?" Harry couldn't take his eyes off of Y/n. "Oh I have an idea." He started to dive toward her core but she stopped him. "No no. I wanna go out first and then we can have some fun." He pouted but got off Y/n. "There's a nice Italian restaurant down the road. We could go there and maybe some shopping for YOU not the baby. I want to spoil you more." Y/n got up and she could feel Harrys eyes on her. She bent down to get her clothes and Harry sighed. "You know there's this thing called sex. We can do it before we go out and after." Y/n laughed and picked up her clothes. "Oh I know what sex is. How do you think we had Darcy?" Harry laughed and got off the bed, and grabbed Y/n. "Oh I know exactly how. Get ready baby because tonight I'm going to RAVISH you."
Harry and Y/n came out of the hotel hand in hand to a crown of screaming fans. Y/n was used to it so she didn't flinch. The couple got into the car by themselves, no security. Harry started driving leaving the crowd behind. "So...food first? Shopping first? What do you wanna do?" Y/n didn't care one bit, so she just blurted out something. "Shopping first and then food. And then...hotel." She winked at Harry making him fix himself a little. The two got to the local shopping malls and thankfully not a lot of people were there. They got to shop in peace and Y/n actually found a few cute things. The problem is she didn't tell Harry. She didn't care how much money he made it still made her feel bad when he spent money on her. They walked into a fancy purse store and Y/n fell in love with a beautiful baby pink purse with black interior and long crossbody straps. "This is beautiful." Y/n didn't realize but Harry was standing far behind her, but close enough he could hear her. She checked the price, winced, and shook her head. She walked away from the purse and Harry slowly walked up to it and noticed the tag. $2,000 for just the purse. He walked away from it and wanted to distract Y/n ling enough so he could get it. "Baby why don't you go look at the baby clothes. The shop is four down. I'm gonna go the other way and look at jeans." Y/n agreed and when she left Harry bought the purse. Then he actually went to the jeans shop so he could hide the purse in his bag from the shop. The two didn't get much but they still had fun. Only a few fan interactions and they were all very sweet. The decided on Italian and ate at the nicest restaurant that overlooked a river. "This is beautiful." Y/n looked over to the water and noticed Harry was looking at her. "Yeah you are." She blushed and continued to eat her food. They came back to the hotel and Y/n missed Darcy. She was determined to spend the night alone with Harry though. When they came through the hotel door he picked her up and sat her on the bed. "I have a surprise for you." Y/n had no idea what it was until he pulled out the purse. "Harry you didn't." He shook his head proudly. "I did. I noticed you looking at it so I got it for you. Baby you deserve it." She got up and ran to Harry making him sit the bag on the floor. He hugged her tight and swung her around kissing her cheeks. "Thank you. Thank you. I love it." Y/n and Harry took a second to look at each other and then slowly leaned in and began to passionately kiss. Piece by piece their clothes came off and they landed on the bed tangled into each other. Y/n sucked  Harry's neck and he loved every minute of it. "I believe I started to do something earlier." Harry opened Y/n's legs and before he could start there was a knock on the door to Niall hollering so Y/n and Harry pulled on their clothes and opened the door to a disgusted Niall with Darcy and her blowout. "I can't do it. This is disgusting. What do you feed this child?" Y/n laughed and started to run some bath water. Harry sighed and took Darcy from Niall. "You guys really couldn't handle this? Y/n and I were about ready to ya know." Niall made a gross face and shook his head. "Me and Louis tried to do it. Louis threw up in the trash can and I threw up over the hotel balcony." Harry took Darcy to the bathroom where Y/n was waiting. "Just so you know, you both are on my shit list."

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