Chapter 7

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James is in catering getting some food for him and Talia. Becky comes up to him.

Becky: where's Talia?

James: my locker room, just grabbing her some food.

Becky: ok, do you mind if i join you?

James: of course i don't mind, Talia will be happy to see you again as well.

She smiles.

James: i think she really likes you, you know.

Becky: what ever gave you that idea?

The pair start walking to his locker room. They walk into a laughing Talia, she was sitting with...Undertaker?

James: Dad?

Undertaker looks at james with a smile.

Undertaker: hey son, did you leave her here alone?

James: yeah, i ran to catering to get her some food

He places the small plate infront of her. She moves forward so she can reach it and starts eating slowly.

James: what are you doing here dad?

Undertaker: did they not tell you? we have a segment later tonight.

James: about?

Undertaker: they want us and Kane to team up in match at TLC next month. they're gonna start building to it tonight.

James: who are we facing?

Undertaker: don't know, they never told me. i'll tell you what they told me.

*show begins*

JBL: welcome to friday night smackdown, after last sunday everyone in the back is feeling amazing.

Otunga: i bet John, last sunday we also saw the in ring debut of 'The Reaper' James Calaway.

JBL: speaking of which his father the Undertaker and his uncle Kane will make a special appearance tonight

*later in the show*

'The Brothers Of Destruction' walk out. the fans go nuts as they walk down to the ring looking badass.

The 2 got in the ring and got mics.

Undertaker: you may be wondering why 'The Big Red Machine' and 'The American Dadass' are in the ring.

Kane: we're looking for a fight next month at TLC

The crowd cheer as they like the idea. Otunga stands up from the announce table getting their attention.

Otunga: sorry interrupt you 2 but, you want a fight at TLC? i have some people who may be willing to take you up on that idea.

Otunga removes his blazer and shirt. He has an armband on, a familiar one.

The other 6 original members of Nexus jump the barricade. Health Slater, Justin Gabriel, Wade Barrett, Michael Tarver, Darren Young and Ryback formally known as Skipp Sheffield.

They surround the ring except one side where Wade is standing. They go to attack until.

James runs to the ring. Wade moved out of the way before James got there so James slides into the ring standing side by side with Kane and Undertaker.

Before any of them can do anything James pulls a bat out of the trench coat he was wearing.

He lifts it and swing at where Darren Young was standing but he moved before the bat could hit him.

He gets the mic from Undertaker. He lifts it to speak for the first time properly on tv. He climbs to the second rope as Nexus escape through the crowd, they look back at him.


he throws the mic to the floor looking at the nexus. He does the cut throat gesture as his theme starts playing.

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