Chapter 19

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Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the WWE re-draft. tonight half of the roster will be drafter, on monday the other half will be drafted.

Graves: and those in NXT will also be eligible for tonight's draft, 3 picks will be made on each brand from NXT tonight and the same for on Raw

Triple H walks out with cards in hand and walks to a podium

Triple H walks out with cards in hand and walks to a podium

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He starts to speak.

Hunter: Ladies and Gentlemen the moment you have all waited for is here, the first round of draft picks. there will be 5 selected by each brand per round.

The crowd cheers

Hunter: Raw's picks are. The New day, Bayley, Rk-Bro, The Usos and from NXT

The crowd go silent

Hunter: going to the moon, Cameron Grimes!

The crowd cheer as the picks appear on the tron.

Hunter: now time for smackdown's picks. The Nexus, Becly Lynch, The LWO, The Shield and James 'The Deadman' Calaway.

The crowd cheer at the sound of James' name.

Hunter: please welcome to the ring, one of Smackdown's picks. James 'The Deadman' Calaway.

James walks out looking stoic. He walks to the ring in a black tracksuit with the hood up and his mask on.

 He walks to the ring in a black tracksuit with the hood up and his mask on

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Once in the ring he get a mic. There is a chair in the ring already. He starts to speak.

James: i'm going to get right to business. there has been reports of my younger brother Gunner being arrested, i can confirm that the reports are true.

The crowd is silent in curiosity.

James: i was in a car crash last monday, he was the cause of the crash.

he removes his mask.

he removes his mask

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The crowd are stunned silent

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The crowd are stunned silent.

James: as you know i have my daughter Talia travel with me, ever since survivor series 2016. we were coming here on monday when my brother smashes his car into mine. he caught the car back passenger's side of the car and

He stops as his eyes water.

James: when the car hit us, she got the worst of it and died before medics could get there.

James lets the tears roll down his cheek, breaking character.

James: my little girl died that night all because of 2 people. my brother Gunner and Seth Rollins.

The crowd is stunned again. James gets up going in and out of character.

James: Seth you piece of shit. you tried getting my girlfriend to get back with you but when she tried walking away you pinned her against the wall and kissed her. i saw this and left the arena in a hurry so i wouldn't hurt you like i so badly want to. BECAUSE OF YOU AND GUNNER MY DAUGHTER IS DEAD. SO LISTEN TO ME SETH, RUN WHILE YOU FUCKING CAN.

He throws the mic down and looks at the camera with tears in his eyes.

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