Chapter 25

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*Friday night*

Cole: welcome to friday night smackdown. Tonight we hav-

The crowd go crazy. James walks through the crowd on the ground. He has his ring gear on, he is flanked by Sting and Darby Allen.

The 3 of them leap the barricade. James gets a mic and slides into the ring.


Sting and Darby both look around then to James

James: on AEW Dynamite 2 nights ago i said there would be a retaliation to the invasion. you may be looking at the 3 of us and think 'is that it?'. well yes it is, we ar-

Triple H walks out with the ENTIRE smackdown roster.

Hunter: James i'm going to give you 1 warning, leave my ring or i'll have you removed by force

James: like you forced me out for doing what any man would? you see i planned for this, that's why we didn't come alone

more and more of the AEW roster jump the barrier and stand with them.

James: Hunter after tonight, we call this even. on one condition. i have already spoken to Tony Khan and the AEW higher ups about it, the green light has been given on our end.

Hunter: and what's that James?!

James: in 2 weeks we propose a new pay-per-view which will involve both companies. Forbidden Survivor, AEW and WWE head to head in every match.

Hunter: so survivor series?

James: with a twist.

Hunter: and that is?!

James: if a wrestler loses their match then they now belong to that company until their contract expires.

Hunter: sounds good to me

James: allow me to finish, something stephanie may not be letting you do anymore

The crowd 'ohh'.

James: the final match will be 7 v 7. whichever companies team wins, decides the fate of the other's company. so if we win we can shut down WWE, we could run everything around here

Hunter: i'll let you know out answer by the end of tonight

James: until then, get 'em

The AEW roster run at the smackdown roster.

*later that night*
Hunter is in the ring. James and AEW watching from a VIP box.

Hunter: James, AEW and Tony Khan. we agree to your proposal on one condition.

James picks up a mic from the table.

James: what is that condition?

Hunter: i get you 1 on 1 for the fates of the companies instead of the 7 on 7

James: so long as that match stays on the card then i'm in.

Hunter: see you all in 2 weeks

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