Chapter 36

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James gets there with the title in his hand. He reaches his locker room. James sees Talia and Mark laughing and pointing to the screen when James appeared on it.

James sneeks up to Talia and pick her up.

James: boo

Talia giggles and makes cute noises.

James: did you see daddy on tv?

James asks in a soft and goofy voice. Talia makes more noises when James sits on the couch behind where Becky is on the floor.

James kisses her head. Talia sees this and tries. James leans her down enough that she can do it.

James: just like daddy

Talia giggles. James kisses her head. Talia's eyes starts to close so he rests her head on his shoulder. He hums slightly.

Unknown to him, Becky was recording the whole time. She posts it on her instagram with a caption.

'he went through hell and back in his match. instead of complaining about the pain he's most likely in, he went straight into dad mode. he is the best father anyone could ever want, i love you baby😘'

James' phone pings with a notification. He looks and sees the post. He smiles then looks at Becky. He kisses Talia's head then lays her down and covers her with the blanket she carries everywhere she goes.

Becky lays Mark down next to her, the pair cuddle under the blanket. James is looking at the mirror in the corner.

He has a slight frown on his face, he looks at the world title in his hand then back into the mirror.

Becky: why such a long face?

James: i don't know if i can do this much longer you know. i'm close to my 30s with 2 kids and you. i'm not sure if i can juggle all of that. you and the kids will always come first so, i'm considering going part time like Cena and The Rock.

Becky: if that is what you want to do then i 100% support you.

James: thank you baby, i just need to talk to my parents about it

Undertaker: about what?

The pair look at the door and see James' parents. They walk over to Becky and James.

James: i was saying to Becky that i want to go part time

Undertaker: what?!

James: i want to go part time. i can't juggle having a beautiful girlfriend, 2 kids, being world champion and wrestling with potentially injuring myself. i don't want to risk anything going wrong.

Undertaker: James i did all that going through a divorce and having 4 kids. it's not impossible.

James: maybe for you!

The whole room goes silent.

James: i'm not you dad. i may have the same wrestling nicknames you had but i'm not you. i can't juggle all of this, i'm going part time and if you don't like that then hate in silence. i've done what was needed my entire career, now i'm doing what i need to do as a father. something you should understand better than anyone.

Undertaker: fine, what are you going to do for work?

James: i have enough saved that i don't need to work, and becky will also have stable income until the day she retires.

Undertaker: if you're sure

James: i am

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