I'll Pick You Up

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After 30 minutes of trying to find that damn key, I hear Luca shouting.

'Finally!' he said relieved.

'Thank God.' I let out a sigh. 'That kid did this on purpose.' I chuckled.

'You think?' Luca asked sarcastically.


We sorted out everything for the customers and opened the cafe's doors to the public.

The cafe wasn't very busy like it normally is. Me and Luca were serving customers and talking to them, some were tourists, some locals and some loyal customers.

After a while, Pedri walks in with a bright smile.

'Irina.' he nodded his head at me. 'Irina's bestfriend.' he nodded at Luca.

'Luca. It's Luca.' he smiled. 'But I guess that'll do too.'

'Nice to officially meet you.'

'Yeah.' Luca nodded his head.

'The usual?' I asked with a smile.


Luca went straight to preparing Pedri's usual order, leaving me with him. We were both silent, looking into eachother's eyes with crooked smiles.


'What are you doing today?' I asked suddenly, a shock expression appearing on his face.

'Nothing, I... erm.. I just have training—' Pedri started going off, his words coming out like he just learned how to speak.

'Well I'm free later on.' I smiled, cutting him off. 'And I'll probably get really hungry at one point so maybe we can grab something to eat.'

'Oh, yeah, okay, that's...' he said swallowing the knot in his throat. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down, a smile returning on his face. 'I have training until 7pm, is that okay with you?'

'Yeah, that's perfect.' I nodded my head. 'I'll pick you up.'

'You are?' he asked confused.

'Is there a problem?' I asked even more confused.

'No.' he shook his head. 'That's very fine with me.'

I handed him his order and he left.

'That was weird.' I turned towards Luca who was silently laughing.

'That boy is not even ashamed to show you how nervous he is around you.' Luca shook his head, laughing. 'That's adorable.' he said childlike.


After a few more hours of working, Luca turned towards me. 'You should really get home so you can start getting ready.'

'I'll have time. I might just go in this.' I said gesturing to my outfit who wasn't very appealing.

'Irina.' he said sternly, a look of disgust taking over his face. 'You look amazing in whatever you choose to wear.' he said resting his hands on my shoulders. 'But this is not it.' he smiled. 'Please go and change.'

'And leave you all by yourself?' I asked confused.

'I'll be just fine.' he shook is head. 'It's only 5pm. I'll manage two more hours.' he smiled.

'Are you sure?' I insisted.

'Just go.' he rolled his eyes. 'Now.'

I quickly grabbed my bag and headed out the cafe, not before planting a kiss on Luca's cheek.

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