The Stars Above Us

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After dropping Gavi home and making sure that the hit he got wasn't too serious, I found myself driving to Pedri's.

As soon as I got to his door, I checked the time to see that it was 9:45pm, making me think that he was probably sleeping and this wasn't a good idea. However, I knocked twice, the door swinging open instantly.

'Hey.' he said smiling, his fluffy hair making it seem like he just woke up from his sleep.

'Were you sleeping?' I hesitantly asked.

'No, no.' he shook his head. 'I was in bed, just finished talking to Gavi. Come in.' he moved away from the door, making space for me to come in.

'Sorry.' I softly smiled. 'I just...' I shrugged my shoulders, taking a seat at the table in the kitchen.

'You missed me, didn't you?' he laughed, making me chuckle.

'Maybe.' my eyes met his. 'Today was just very eventful.'

'Yeah, they kinda showed your little interaction with Vini on live TV.' he laughed, shaking his head.

'Of course they did.' I covered my face with my hands. 'Was it that bad?' I looked at him.

'It was quite cool.' he smirked, sending a wink my way.

'Thanks.' I smiled.

After talking for a little bit about the match and the events surrounding it, he went into his room and came back changed in a tracksuit.

'Where are you going?' I asked confused.

'We're going out.' he said sternly, putting on his shoes.


'Come on, I wanna show you something.' he smiled. I got up and followed him outside the apartment. 'We'll go with my car.'


After not a long drive, we parked the car and Pedri turned to face me.

'Are you going to like, kill me now?' I asked confused, chuckling.

'I need you to close your eyes and I'll just guide you.' he smiled. 'Do you trust me?'

Without saying anything, I nodded my head. Pedri got out the car and came to my side, helping me out of it and locking his famous green Mini Cooper.


After what it felt like a 10 minute walk, and feeling a weird sensation because I wasn't able to see, we finally stopped.

'Okay, I'll take my hands away now.' Pedri said.

I internally sighed as his touch was giving me a sense of comfort and warmth. As soon as my vision returned, I was met with a viewpoint of the whole city.

My eyes widened in awe and my mouth almost reached the floor as to how beautiful the lit up city was. I was able to pick out many of Barcelona's major landmarks. I turned my head towards Pedri, who wasn't standing up anymore, but lying down on the floor.

'What the hell are you doing?' I laughed. 'Are you seeing this?!' I pointed out to the city.

'That's not even the best part.' he chuckled, patting the empty floor next to him.

Without thinking twice, I laid down next to him, my attention being focused on the night sky full of stars. We were sitting in silence for a little while, admiring the way the stars twinkled in the sky.

When I was a kid, I used to love sitting in my garden and stargaze. But that stopped as soon as I grew up and other things started taking over my life. Work. Friends. Family. Going out. Becoming a young adult. But for a second, I felt like I was a kid again. I felt like all my worries and thoughts disappeared and I was free again. Not appreciating the stars it's like never taking the time to smell roses. It's like never enjoying the small things in life.

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