Maybe In Another Lifetime

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'Oh my God!' I said wrapping my arms around Ela and Gavi, bringing them into a tight hug.

'Oh God, easy.' Pedri chuckled, placing his hand on my back.

'I'm so, so happy for you guys!' I said excitedly. 'This is great.' I smiled. 'This is great news.'

'Are you crying?' Gavi asked me confused.

'Oh, shit.' I chuckled, wiping away a few tears that managed to escape my eyes. 'It's nice to finally see you two like this.' I smiled softly.

'But we also have something to tell you.' Pedri smiled.

'Are you two getting engaged?' Gavi widened his eyes.

'Would you just shut up and let them talk?' Ela pushed him gently.

'Fine, fine.' he rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

I started smiling widely, placing my hands on my stomach. Ela started smiling, her reaction making me feel like it didn't come across as a surprise at all, while Gavi's eyes traced to my hands and widened his eyes, his jaw almost reaching the floor.

'We're having a baby.' I said softly.

'Oh my God!' Gavi said excitedly, taking a step towards me. 'Im going to be an uncle?' he chuckled. 'Wait... how long have you known?' he frowned his eyebrows.

'Two weeks.' Pedri said.

'TWO WEEKS?!' he exclaimed. 'And you didn't tell us?' he pushed Pedri while looking at me.

I knew that if the circumstances were different, that push would've been for me.

'Who else knows?' Gavi continued. 'Let me guess... Luca, Kylian, Bruna...'

'Carolina.' I chuckled. 'She's the only one that knew because she's the one that pushed me to take a pregnancy test.'

He instantly exhaled, straightening himself. 'That makes me feel a little bit better.'

Ela wrapped her arms around me. 'I'm so happy for you.' she smiled. 'So happy.'

'Thank you.' I looked at my dear friend.


After having our little barbecue and just talking about how the pregnancy has been going and the two of them, we decided to still keep it 'hidden' from the world for a little longer.

However, that didn't mean that our dear friends weren't going to find out.

As tomorrow both me and Pedri were off, we decided to do the announcements to the rest of the friendship group.

Which means, we'll also have to fly out to Paris. It's only right.


'Morning.' Pedri said by placing a kiss on my lips.

'Morning to you too.' I smiled softly.

We ate our breakfast and started getting ready for the day ahead. My belly wasn't so big so it was easy to hide from the public's eye.

Even though they all got used to me wearing crop tops or really tight clothes.


We were at the airport, patiently waiting to hop on the plane to Paris.

'I just can't help it.' I said, turning around to face Pedri. 'Are you sure you're okay with Neymar and Bruna being the Godparents?'

'Yes.' he chuckled and gently dragged me towards him to place a kiss on my shoulder.

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