Meet me online (alternative chapter 1)

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Unlike every other hospice does my brother not spend his last days with his family and fulfills his last wishes, no. He spends his last days in Oddinary, a virtual reality.

Only two years ago, he was diagnosed with stomach cancer and sent to the hospital. For my family and I a significant change in our daily life and something that seemed to never be ordinary to us.

I was fifteen then and couldn't comprehend how much this diagnosis would affect the next two years and probably the rest of my life. Watching my brother change into a completely different person over the months made me realize how short life actually is.

"I'm strong enough for this little thing, that won't ruin me, look how small it is" my brother said back then, forming a golf ball with his hand. I believed him back then, even sitting with the hospital gown on his designated bed and waiting patiently for his surgery.

I believed every word, like I always did. No one was able to see the three other emergency surgeries come along the month.

"Don't worry, it will take a while but we can play soon again" he told me again, one year later as his condition worsened. I believed him because I couldn't do anything else.

Watching him lie on his deathbed, connected with machines keeping him alive and a gear over his head, making him unable to hear anything around him. His body became pale and weak, his breathing supported and food given through tubes.

It was like this the whole month and will continue the next two weeks, till his death calls. I watched him as often as I was possible, holding his hand in hopes of reminding him that in fact, there was also a reality where a family was waiting for him.

Oddinary was something I never found a connection to as I wasn't into games in general. The game became popular over the last few years and was an escape also for my brother from the hard reality.

With a gear going along the eyes and one round around the head, you were able to transfer into a game full of possibilities. My brother tried often to introduce me to the game but I refused, I avoided things that connected me with my brother.

It became a topic to talk about everywhere, a revolutionary game with possibilities unimaginable. Before I knew it my friend Felix was also quick to jump on the game and tell me many things about people he encountered.

"You really can't imagine how cool it is to play the game" he always said when we sat at the cafeteria during our breaks. "I'm sure my life is complete even without the game" was my answer always.

I wasn't able to decipher if it is pure disinterest in the game or my rejection of the connection with my brother that holds me against even trying the game. I only knew that it was taking away my brother from spending his last days with us together.

A knock interrupted my thoughts, bringing my head toward the door. Our parents walked into the room, keeping their gloomy eyes on their son.

My parents weren't against him going into virtual reality to spend his last days there. They were sad about the fact that he will die.

After long discussions my brother was able to convince my parents to bring him into the first hospice, supporting patients to spend their last days in their desired reality. A program only brought into last year got quite popular with people like Jeongin, young and at the brim of death.

"It's time to go home" our mother said slowly, not daring to take a step into the room. Over the past month, the atmosphere in the room was unbearable for the two which is why I was quite always alone with my brother.

I nodded to her words, taking the hand of my brother in mine. I left two light squeezes as I lifted myself from the chair. Felix told me that the body was still able to detect touch from reality for safety reasons.

That kept my hope that maybe Jeongin would notice my message and decide to come back to us. I watched his breath get monitored for another few seconds before leaving the room completely.

It was quiet between my parents and me along the drive home. It wasn't the same between us since Jeongin was sent to the hospice.

No more talks about future plans, no more jokes, no more family. As my parents already turned into empty shells, I was on my way to turning into one.

Arriving at home I left immediately into my room, trying to spare my parents and me the awkward silence between us. In my room I first put on the small light beside my bed, keeping the room dim.

I lay down on my bed, keeping the light-up stars on my ceiling letting them peel slowly the wall down. Watching the stars keeping a little crack or another from themself, lighted up my phone.

I looked to my side, noticing the lock screen turn into a phone call, letting LIMBO! by NATURE ring through the room. Groaning at the remembrance to change the ringtone my brother installed into my phone.

Accepting the call, Felix already started his monologue "Why didn't you read my message? Is everything okay? Is Jeongin back? I was worried because you didn't read my messa–" "Your message arrived just a few seconds ago" I interrupted the anxious bo on the other end.

"No he didn't come back and no, everything's not okay like always" I continued to answer his question as the silence filled the room again. Felix sighed through the line "Should I come over?" Felix asked getting a shake of my head in return.

"I'm good, I'll see you tomorrow okay? I want to sleep now" I ended the call without waiting for an answer from my friend. I laid my phone down on my table, changed my clothes, and lay down on my bed.

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