dream caught (random chapter)

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"I'm not in the mood today" Sora sighs while watchign the scenario in front of her. A couple, in front of a fountain, having hearts all around them.

"Wanna go eat something?" Jisung asked to which Sora just nodded before following her brother. "We can eat?" Jeongin asked shocked, clinging onto the girl "Yeah, but we will not get full, feel hunger ir anything... we just taste it" bluntly Sora answered and entered a restaurant.

With most of the boys confused they sat down at a table and ordered food. "And how do we pay?" Hyunjin asked confused "We don't" Jisung answered for which the boys looked at him in utter shock.

"You serious?!" Changbin asked "No worries, it's not illegal... don't forget we're in a dream, who would pay food?" Jisung asked lightly amused. The boys only sighed relieved before the food arrived.

"Bon appetit and have a good chill day" Sora smiled brightly, clapping her hands before digging into the food. Nefore they could realise the dreamer entered the restaurant and sat a few tables away from the group.

Jisung rolled his eyes and Sora turned away from the couple. "You two look like you got a special hate for these scenarios" Chan laughed while slurping his soup.

"It's not really hate... There was a phase once where for a week or so we only landed in such love driven dreams... it gets faster on our nerves now" Jisung answered.jm

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