Diagnosis: Forelsket (chapter 1)

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"Lim Jiyeon"

"That's me"

"Any fever-like symptoms?"


"Pain complains?"


"Suspicious changes on yourself?"


"Mental health changes?"

"None in my opinion"

"Okay, seems like you fought the calidum-virus pretty easily"

"What was so special about it anyways? Except you're getting all hot and sweaty" the girl laughed after getting her pulse from the nurse checked.

"Well... on people who can't handle the virus, the worst would be death through dehydration" answered the nurse, known as Seo Changbin, with a thoughtful glare at his patient.

The girl only rolled her eyes at it "Okay, never mind I never said anything" she said, crossing her arms annoyed.

"Now that you survived this virus, your payment should be happening tomorrow" the nurse smiled sweetly which the girl mirrored.

"Does that mean I have medication this week?" Jiyeon asked sweetly, fluttering her eyes in a seductive manner.

The nurse looked at her, then down at his clipboard and back to her with a devilish smile. "Close but no... drugs this week" he deadpanned the last part and turned around to fill in the pieces of information about the checkup.

Jiyeon groaned annoyed and jumped off her seat which was quite high. "Changbin... why are you doing this to me?" she asked with a dramatic favor, grabbing his arm and shaking it violently.

Changbin got his arm out of the grip and glared at her "First of all it's Mister Seo and second, don't think I can decide what y'all should do... if it was my way I would have let you all leave, you know that".

"I know" the girl answered and lowered her head disappointed while leaving the check room. As she closed the door behind her she was met with the security guard who should bring her to the others.

"Why so depressed?" he asked kind of worried and lowered himself lightly to try and see the eyes of the girl. Suddenly the girl screamed in a gross manner and made a zombie-like walk, trying to get to the guard's neck.

The guard was alarmed and took his gun and aimed it at the girl, making many steps backward to not get in her radius. The girl started to laugh at his reaction and looked up with a big grin.

"My god Lee, why so scared?" she asked amused, and stood again properly and came to the guard. He only groaned annoyed and hid his gun again "Lim, don't scare me like that, you know one day you could actually die".

Jiyeon nodded and saluted "Sorry not sorry, lieutenant Lee Minho" she said jokingly and nudged the boy.

He only rolled his eyes and grabbed her arm harshly "Even if we're friends, I can't let you walk this freely here" with that he dragged her to the waiting room.

"Even if you're not allowed to do so, could you like... not rip my arm off?" Jiyeon asked kind of annoyed, making Minho lighten his grip "Sorry" he apologized.

In the waiting room, Jiyeon got brought inside while another patient got brought to the check-up room with Minho guiding them.

Jiyeon sat herself beside her four other friends who seemed to wait to hear news from the girl. "And what're you doing this week?" the boy with squirrel-like features, Han Jisung, asked making the girl groan annoyed in her seat.

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