Meet me online (random chapter)

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"Here's your EG" Felix said, holding out the same head-around gear like Jeongin wears. I took it in my hands, surprised by the light weight.

Taking a closer look on the device, I notice a few scratches and writings on it smeared. "Don't mind that, my cousin took it everywhere she went" Felix only commented to it.

I didn't questioned it, accepting the fact that his cousin seemed kind of desperate for the game. Felix went off, taking his phone from the table. Without warning it was in front of my face, with a camera sound he removed it and looked at the screen.

I was confused of the sudden move "What was that?". "I took a picture of your face to uploaded it to Oddinary" he said, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Why would you need to upload it?" I asked irritated, trying to get on his phone. He dodged with a grin, making the last details before ending his work.

"I want to see your face while playing, if you talk as my cousin, I would be hella confused" he stated, showing me the account of his cousin. I couldn't understand a single thing on the display but could see my face in the corner being accepted for the account.

"But do these strangers wanna see my face? Cause I sure don't" I grabbed his phone, trying to understand the system of the app. "Your face? Man these people wish to see it everyday" Felix commented, grabbing my face and squishing my cheeks.

I slapped his hands away, not believing a word. "Now let's go!" Felix said excited and pushed me onto the bed. My heart skipped a beat as I landed on the bed, I have no idea about the game.

What should I even do to find Jeongin? The truth about how reckless this idea, plan or how you would call it, just came to me now. "B–but... how do I enter? How do I move? You should explain the game for me" I asked desperate not to get thrown into a world I have no idea about.

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