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Gwen rushed up to the hospital

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Gwen rushed up to the hospital. Elena called and told Gwen about John. Caroline also. Gwen entered to see Bonnie "hey how's Caroline ?"

"She's weak" Bonnie shook her head hugging Gwen "they don't know if she's going to make it"

"What ?" Gwen took a step back "is there not a spell we could do ?"

"Nope" Damon appeared "because she doesn't know how. It took Emily years to be able to find a spell like that"

"Well I can still take down vampires" Bonnie glared

"I can give Caroline some blood" Damon turned to Gwen "trust me it'll heal her and then be out of her system by tomorrow. She'll be better Gwen"

"That's too risky"

"Do it" Bonnie said shocking the both of them "this is Caroline. We can't let her die"

"Fine" Damon looked at Bonnie "if I do it will you and me call a truce ?"

"No" Bonnie said bluntly "but you'll do it anyways...for Gwen" Gwen shot her a weird look. Bonnie walked away

"I know this is the last thing you wanna do right now but you and me really need to talk" Damon put his hands in his pockets "I came here to talk to you"

"Yeah a tomb vampires has gotten into Elena's house" Gwen put her hands on her head "I think I should get in my car and hit the first vampire I see"

"What ?" Damon looked shocked "what are you talking about when I messaged you ?"

"You were messaging me ?"

"Come on Gwen you know I was" Damon stated

"I haven't had my phone" Gwen cringed "Damon are you alright you're looking at me weird ?"

"Really ?" Damon rolled his eyes "pretend all you want but you confessed your feelings for me" he put his hands on her collar bones

"I have no clue"

"Gwen" Jenna came up "I came as soon as I got your message. How's John"

"Jenna I didn't message you" Gwen said weirded out

"Yes you did"

"No I didn't" Gwen moved Damon's hand. This was her plan, to get Jenna out of the house and Damon busy. She was good "oh you gotta be kidding me" she looked at Damon "Jenna can I talk to you later" she grabbed hold of Damon's arm "Katherine"

"What ?" Damon cringed "come on that's a far reach ?"

"The last person I saw tonight was Elena" Gwen put all the pieces together "she messaged you to probably screw with your head and she's messaged Jenna because she wanted her out of Elena's house"

"Why would she want that ? Elena is in the hospital room with Caroline"

"Because of Ronnie's at Elena's" Gwen realised "we gotta go. Now!"

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