He had to believe it

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Joey walked into the lunch hall

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Joey walked into the lunch hall. Klaus was sitting there twirling a knife in his hands "there you are. Now do you wanna do this the easy way or the hard way ?"

She blasted magic at him as his wrist broke. He put it back together "alright the hard way. Got it" She twisted her hand as magic started breaking his shoulder "would you kill your favourite history teacher ?"

"It's what Alaric would want" she stated as she breathed in "he would want you to suffer first. In the best way I know how"

"Is that all you got"

"Let's find out" Joey smirked.

Gwen and Stefan all ran down the hall.

Joey made the lights flicker as she started breaking every part of Klaus's body. She shut the doors so Gwen couldn't get in.

"JOEY NO" Gwen screamed banging on the door

All of the lights were exploding as Joeys nose was bleeding. A red rope of energy wrapped around Klaus's throat. She fell to the floor.

"NO" Gwen screamed as the doors open. Klaus disappeared "Joey!" Gwen shook her "Joey please answer me. She's not breathing" she looked up at Stefan "I can't find a pulse. She's not breathing. Give her blood or something please"

"It's too late"

"Joey" Gwen cried "please no" she sobbed

Damon walked in "Stefan get her out of here. I'll deal with the body"

"What do you mean deal with it ?" Gwen looked up at him "THIS IS JOEY" she screamed before he could touch her "this is Joey"

Stefan came up behind Gwen "come on" Stefan grabbed her. He helped Gwen up. Gwen screamed being taken out.

Gwen and Stefan went back to the Salvatore's

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Gwen and Stefan went back to the Salvatore's. Stefan gave her a tea "drink it"

Gwen shook her head "it's all my fault. She died trying to protect me"

"No no no. It's Klaus. Klaus did this"

Damon walked in "what did you do with her ?" Gwen stood up

"Can you please calm her down"

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