No that wasnt me

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Bonnie and Gwen started helping set up the school carnival "it was creepy" Bonnie explained Katherine "she looked exactly like Elena"

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Bonnie and Gwen started helping set up the school carnival "it was creepy" Bonnie explained Katherine "she looked exactly like Elena"

"That's because she's her ancestor" Gwen was ticking off boxes

"She had this weird look every time Ronnie came" Bonnie said weirded out "I think she might actually care for her you know"

Gwen nodded barely listening "yep. The ring toss is over there right" she pointed

"Have you spoken to Damon ?" Bonnie asked making Gwen paused "well since he tried to kill Jeremy"

"Nope. He can rot in hell" Gwen passed her some of the toys "let's have a day with no vampire talk" she smiled "we have to make Caroline proud"

"Yeah or she'll kill us" Bonnie giggled as the two walked off.

Gwen started walking down the hall to join Stefan and Jeremy "hello Gwen" Stefan said putting his arm around her

"Hey did you"

"Yeah yeah I set up the goldfish toss don't worry Gwen" Jeremy said shutting his locker "I did it all" he walked away

"So rude" Gwen leaned against the lockers "I was hoping this carnival would bring him back into a high school teenager"

"Oh is that what we're doing here ?"

"Yeah" Gwen huffed "we're going to be boring high school students where the V word isn't uttered. You're now considered like lord Voldemort"

"Right got it"

"Yep and later we'll go onto the top of the ferris wheel and you kiss me like a normal teenage girl does" she smirked "you seeing the theme ?"

"Yep I'm seeing it but one question what do we do about Damon"

"Nope he's not in any topic I discuss"

"Unfortunately Katherine turning ups made him go off the rails. Who knows what's going on right now" Stefan said looking rather deflated.


After Gwen had finished putting up decorations for the carnival she went to Tyler's house. Mason Lockwood answered "Mason!" She smiled "I never knew you were here"

He hugged her tightly "little Gwenie. I didn't even recognise you" he looked at her in amaze "you look exactly like your mother"

"Aw thanks" she smiled

"So how's Joey ?" He said asking as he went to school with the girl "I haven't seen her in a while ?"

"She's good. She's just got back from college actually. She's on break at the moment" she explained "she'd love if you stopped by"

Jesus Mason was so hot. He was always hot. Gwen had the fattest crush on him since she was little. Tyler hated it.

"Gwen" Tyler walked out the door "you taking me to the carnival how kind" he put his arm around her trying to drag her away from Mason "stay away from him" he whispered

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