Girls night

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Gwen was rushing around Stefan's room "Stefan hurry up we got school in 10 minutes"

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Gwen was rushing around Stefan's room "Stefan hurry up we got school in 10 minutes"

Stefan grabbed her "school" he kissed her "doesn't ring a bell" he put her on the bed kissing her

"Five minutes. Elena's waiting downstairs ?"

"Gwen!" Elena yelled coming up the stairs

Gwen pushed Stefan off of her "get off quick. Come in Elena!" She said as Elena swung the door open.

Stefan rushed upstairs pushing Elena against a door "Stefan what are you doing ?" Elena held his arms

"Stefan!" Gwen yelled

"Stop it Katherine!" Stefan yelled

"Stop what" Katherine was in the door frame "it's getting easy being you" she smirked

"What the hell is she doing here ?" Gwen squinted

"Bitch got let out of the tomb by Elijah" Damon said miserably

"Get her out of here" Elena frowned

"You guys need my help" Katherine pointed at Gwen "and Gwen I am an amazing person. I actually wanna help you. You can't die"

"Ha ha" Gwen rolled her eyes "well what do you want ?"

"To help" Katherine walked closer to Gwen "how's your aunt ?"

Ronnie stumbled in still yawning and rubbing her eyes "what the hell is going on here" she stretched

Elena looked at Katherine. Elena walked over to Ronnie "come on Ron we got school" Elena kissed Ronnie dragging her out of the room. Katherine gritted her teeth

Gwen looked at the clock "we need to go"


Stefan and Gwen drove to school and Gwen was complaining "she won't help us. She's just gonna pine over Ronnie" she walked with him "but she knows about Klaus"

Stefan hugged her "maybe we should stay at your place tonight"

"I can't. Bonnie Elena and Caroline are coming over. Bonnie's upset over her powers being lost and Caroline over Tyler. And to be honest I want a gossip"

"That sounds fun"

"Very" Gwen held his hand dragging him in.

Gwen walked into Alaric's classroom. He seemed stressed about Jenna "John is just ruin everything"

"I'll run him over" Gwen said like it was a normal occurrence "he might have the ring but like give him a little warning"

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