Now you know how i feel

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1864Katherine and Ronnie were dancing in the founders ball

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Katherine and Ronnie were dancing in the founders ball. Ronnie was giggling at Katherine "so how comes this man keeps on staring at you" Ronnie looked over to see Damon staring "he appears quite jealous"

"He's a friend" Katherine grinned "I think he wanted to take me but I wanted to take you" She looked over to Damon "looks like he's already found somebody to occupy his time"

Ronnie looked over to see Elena with Damon. She was smiling up at him "Elena" Ronnie tried to walk over to her

"Ronnie don't" Katherine tried to stop her.

Ronnie ran after then. She entered the grill in normal clothing. She saw Elena with a pool stick "it's your turn"

Ronnie smiled until Damon walked up to her "be prepared to loose" he said kissing her. Ronnie's heart broke a little.

"It hurts doesn't it" Katherine said still in her period dress "now you know how I feel" Katherine grabbed Ronnie's face "don't fight it Ron. You loved me once, you can love me again"

Ronnie looked over at Elena and Damon once again before she appeared back into the hall in 1864. "I love you Ronnie" Katherine walked up to her "we'll he together again my love. I promise" Katherine pulled her into a kiss.

Ronnie's eyes burst open. Elena laid on her shoulder "hey you okay ?"

"Yeah" Ronnie replied "just a bad dream" Ronnie finally woke up a little bit more before she shot up "Katherine"

Katherine sat up "you have to admit I am getting better at this" she smirked "it was easy to get inside your head" she stood up "I thought you'd have your guard more up"

"What do you want ?"

"I missed you Ronnie" Katherine looked around her room "indulge me for a little while please"

"Why are you back in town ?" Ronnie put a jumper on

"Three reasons" Katherine held up her hand "you you and you"

"See I'm having a hard time believing this because of you had much time to come and find me" Ronnie scoffed

"Well you needed time to adjust to this world. I gave you that time" she looked Ronnie up and down "and I thought in that pretty little head of yours you'd realise that I do truly love you by now".


Gwen was reading in the Grill when someone tapped it. She looked up to see Damon "what are you doing here ?" She did not look amused to see him

"So this is what you do other then be a bitch to people" he smiled sarcastically

"Exactly" she smirked putting on her jacket

"Where are you going ?"

"Away from you" she stood up "I don't want anything to do with you"

"Okay. See you at Jenna's barbecue" Damon stole a fry off her plate

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