They both left

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Two days went by and Gwen woke up in the morning

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Two days went by and Gwen woke up in the morning. She peaked into her sisters room to see her still asleep. She turned to see Damon standing there.

"What do you want ?"

"I wanna apologise" he whispered "please. Gwen feeding you my blood I was wrong"

"Yes you were"

"And I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I need it" he begged

She shook her head "and I need time"

"Sure. Of corse" he smiled slightly "take all the time you need".

Gwen walked downstairs to see Sam on the couch "you going to watch that movie in the square" he asked her

"I'd rather sit on fire" She grabbed something out of the fridge

He sighed "Gwen you haven't left the house in days" he said as she sat next to him "this isn't healthy"

"Says the man who hasn't socialised since 2000" she said as the door bell rang "hold that thought loner" she answered to see Stefan

"Hey. Will you take a walk with me ?"

She followed him as they walked hand in hand "Listen the other night when Damon was helping Tyler something happened. Tyler was transforming and Damon was bitten"

"What ?" Gwen paused "is he gonna ?"

"Yeah" he answered straight away

"Oh my god" she whispered "he came to the house trying to apologise and I basically shut him away"

"If you wanna say what you want to him now" Stefan grabbed her shoulders "I'm gonna try and find a way to save him. But I have to find Klaus"

"Stefan he'll kill you"

"No he didn't kill me last time" he reassured her "whatever Damon's done whatever's led him here. I'm the one who made him before a vampire in the first place. So if there's a chance for a cure. I owe it to him to find it" he said as Gwen hugged him "go and talk to him".


Gwen started walking towards the Salvatore's when she heard a noise. Liz covered her mouth "don't make a sound" Liz ran downstairs.

Gwen got put in the sheriffs office "what have you done to Damon ?" Gwen asked Liz

"Why do you even care ? You know what he is and what they do"

"I understand why you don't like them but please listen to me" Gwen begged

"Damon Salvatore was spotted outside the Grill" a cop said

"Please let me come with you" Gwen stopped Liz "he's sick and he's not himself"

"Keep her here" Liz said as they locked the doors.

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