The school dance

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"Thank you Mr Henry" Gwen said showing out the landlord of the Salvatore house

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"Thank you Mr Henry" Gwen said showing out the landlord of the Salvatore house. The two boys couldn't get in "oh right. Stefan do you wanna come inside my home"

"I would love to. Thank you"

"What are we 12 ?" Damon said sarcastically

"One of us has the mentality" Gwen smirked "if I let you in do you promise to obey the owner of this house"


"Well that's too bad because it's my rules. Now is it a yes or no Damon" she grinned

"Yes Gwen"

"You can come in" Gwen said getting her things "come on Bonnie!" Bonnie ran down

"Where are you going ?" Stefan asked

"Too school" she turned

"Hold on. We didn't make a safe house for you to leave it" Damon disagreed

"Yeah klaus is out there" Stefan pointed out

"Right" Gwen nodded "but he doesn't have fifty essays due so he'll have to pause for a second. And besides we don't know where he is, I can't be a prisoner" she smiled

"Your way Gwen" Damon said sarcastically

"And besides she's with me anyways" Bonnie grabbed Gwen's hand "she's safe"

"We're two witches. We can take him" Gwen nodded. The two walked out

"Wait I'm coming" Stefan followed.


Gwen got into class and she saw a poster for the 60s decade dance. She showed it to Stefan, he shook his head. She scoffed turning over to Elena. Elena nodded excited.

Alaric walked in "hello class. What are we learning today"

"The 60s" Gwen replied

"Right the 60s" Alaric looked over at Gwen and Elena "the 60s I wish there was something good. It kinda sucked well except for the Beatles. Walked on the moon, watergate"

"Watergate was the 70s Ric" Gwen blurted as everyone looked at her "oh sorry Mr Saltzmen"

"It all kinda mushes together. Thank you Gwen" he smiled

Ronnie stumbled in "sorry I'm late. Jesus Christ traffic was a bitch today" Ronnie said with sunglasses on

Klaus looked at her. The one person he didn't expect to see. He stared at her for a moment in shock.

"Ric" Ronnie said weirded out "you good there man ?"

"Fine" Klaus coughed "go sit down Ron"

After class Gwen waited behind "you alright Ric ?" She smile sweetly "you seemed off. Also wanted to say Elena agreed with me, I should hit John Gilbert with my car"

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