Its all because of me

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Gwen went home with Stefan following her "I don't want to talk about it"  she started walking to her door

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Gwen went home with Stefan following her "I don't want to talk about it"  she started walking to her door

"Gwen listen to me"

"No" she paused "This whole time I've been looking for an answer and I've got it. It's not just me that's in danger it's Elena and Caroline and Tyler and Bonnie. They're all part of breaking the curse and I am the only one who can stop it. I can't blame anyone else anymore. And it's not because of we fell in love it's because of me" she cried "everyone I love is in danger and it's all on me to save them"

Stefan pulled her into a hug as she cried into him. She sobbed.


Elena invited Gwen to stay over for the night. The two went to bed early. Gwen heard a loud bang waking her up. She opened Elena's door to see Alaric. Shirtless.

"Gwen!" Alaric walked back "I didn't know you were here"

Gwen crossed her arms "oh didn't you ?" She smirked in the corner of her mouth "I heard a noise that woke me up"

"That was us!" Jenna appeared "sorry"

"Right" Gwen paused breaking the awkward silence "I'm gonna go back to bed" 

"Yeah I'm gonna go" Alaric walked away into Jenna's room

"I'm sorry" Jenna shook her head "do you think Elena will be okay with this ?"

"Seems like things are going good"

"They are extremely good"

"Then she'll be cool with it" Gwen laughed as she walked back into Elena's room.


Gwen opened her door in the morning to see Stefan and Damon "can we talk ?"

"Why ?"

"We went to see Katherine" Damon stated

"Come on then" she invited the two. They walked to her kitchen.

Sam stood there in his pyjamas "why are they here" she pointed at Damon "more why is he here ?"

"Rude" Damon said. The two weren't exactly friends "why's your sister talking to me"

"I'm a boy" Sam said with his hold up

"Then why are you in girls slippers" Damon winded him up

"Because they're cosy" Sam said flaunting Gwen's slippers "and stylish"

"alright mate"

"At least I don't look like Justin Timberlake on hard core drugs" Sam stated up at him "piece out Girl Scout" he walked out.

"We spoke to Katherine" Stefan stated ignoring whatever just happened with Damon. They then informed her that Katherine would only give up the moon stone for her freedom

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