She's weird

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That night Stefan walked into Ronnie's room "Ron" he peaked his head in "do you wanna do something ?"

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That night Stefan walked into Ronnie's room "Ron" he peaked his head in "do you wanna do something ?"

"Why ?" She put down her book "what do you have in mind"

"Well considering both of our girlfriends are trying to basically commit suicide against this Klaus I figured you and me would be the most driven to save them" he explained all at once "I searched through all of Gwen's history because someone must know what to do" he fully walked in

"Yeah but she's British" Ronnie crossed her legs as she sat up "all of her family probably live with England"

"Exactly what I thought. But there's an address here with the last name Chamber" Stefan passed a piece of paper "I don't wanna go alone. It's only a couple hours away. You up for a drive ?"

"Fine" Ronnie sat up "worth a journey right ?".

The two got into Stefan's car as he began driving "so say it's Gwen's father or something. He would not help us"

"Well he'd help Gwen" Stefan stated "this is my last option here so I'm getting desperate. If it's Gwen's father I'll be there until he says yes"

Ronnie agreed "understandable. Maybe she'll know something about Elena too" she sighed "I'm just really stressed about it all"

"How are you two ?"

"We're okay. We made up the other day but it's just hard, how the hell do you comfort someone when a 1000 year old vampire comes after them ?" Ronnie put her feet up

"We're in the same boat" Stefan puffed keeping his eyes on the road "Gwen just automatically thinks her life is over".

Ronnie and Stefan pulled up to a house and Ronnie looked up at it "it's funny looking isn't it ?" The house was yellow and had windows poking out "it looks like something straight out of Harry Potter" she saw Stefan laugh "yes I've watched that film! Jeremy and Alaric forced me to watch it" they got out of the car.

Stefan knocked on the door with flowers in the other hand "do you not think that's a bit much" Ronnie pointed "I mean we're just going and asking for help"

"No I think it's nice"

"Whatever you say" Ronnie whispered as the door opened

A woman with brown shaggy hear opened the door. She looked at both of them "what a lovely surprise" her voice sounded very longed out "Stefan and Ronnie"

Both of the teenagers faces dropped "how did you" Ronnie frowned

"Well it's my magic trick" she winked "I'm a witch of corse. I can do anything"

"Right" Stefan already felt uneasy around the women "well we got you these"

"Aw how lovely" she looked at them "you know where these would look nice ? Right there" she set them right outside her door. It was almost like she was denying the flowers.

Ronnie snorted "well is it alright if we come in ?"

"Right right. Yes come in" she chuckled opening the door wider. The woman started walking "I'm Allison. Allison Smith" she shook both of their hands "I'm guessing your Gwen's lover"

"Uh right" Stefan said awkwardly

"And you're a friend" Allison pointed "well you're probably thinking 'who is this mad women' well I'm Gwen's aunt" she smiled brightly "her mothers sister. Not her fathers" she rolled her eyes "what a dreadful man! Come sit sit. I must make you some tea"

"Oh that won't be necessary" Ronnie said following her to the dinning room "we just wanted to ask you some questions"

"Go ahead" she sat down and began drinking her tea

"We wanted to ask you some questions about Klaus" Stefan said which gained her attention "guessing by your reaction you've heard of him"

"I guess the days finally come" Allison put down her drink "I'm guessing a doppelgänger has arrived" she looked at Ronnie "and she is your girlfriend" she pointed

Ronnie nodded "and we thought you could help us"

Allison nodded straightly "I knew this day would come but not with Gwen" she bowed her head shaking it "I could possibly save Elena. Gwen I'm not too sure"

Stefan deflated "could you come with us ? Talk to Gwen yourself ?"

Allison looked up at him "I'm not too sure she would be interested in talking to me. I'll give it a shot".

 I'll give it a shot"

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Gwen arrived home. She frowned at Stefan. He stood there crossing his arms "Rose ?"

"She didn't make it" Gwen said sadly hugging him "how was your day ?"

"Well I looked for Isobel and there was no help. John Gilbert turned up and is with Elena right now" Stefan explained "but"

"Ew don't tell me my dad is here" she stepped away from him

"No you got me pumpkin" Allison smiled

"aunty Allison" Gwen's jaw dropped "oh right" she seemed speechless "wow"

"I've came to help" Allison said in a warm tone.

Sam began walking down the stairs. He stared at Allison "can any family member just walk through our door" he took his earphone out "Jesus Christ we're like a reality show"

Gwen dragged Stefan upstairs "that was your big plan!" She whispered in a aggressive tone "bringing my aunt into Mystic Falls. For gods sake"

"She said she could possibly help us"

"Of corse she's said that" Gwen rolled her eyes "she wants an excuse for a attention. She's a narcissistic idiot"

"Listen she'll be here until Klaus leaves"

Gwen bowed her head "i might as well jump out the window while I can. Which family members coming next huh ? My uncles only in San Francisco if you wanna grab him! My mums old best friend lives in New Orleans let's go grab him"

"She can't be that bad" Stefan found himself laughing at the girl

"No she isn't bad" Gwen said "she's just a huge c-"

Before Gwen could finish Allison peaked her head through the door "Gwen honey just made you some lunch for tomorrow" her eyes scanned Gwen's room "tidy up a little will you" she walked out

Gwen shook her head in disbelief "she's been back 20 minutes and she's already a nightmare" Gwen sighed deeply "great"

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