Away for a night

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Gwen woke up to her phone ringing

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Gwen woke up to her phone ringing. She sat up and Bonnie moved her leg kicking Gwen to the floor. She answered "hello"

"How was the slumber party ?" Stefan asked

"Good" she said crawling out of the room "when can we have our own ?"

"That can be arranged"

"Alright take me far far away" she sat outside the door

"Even with everything going on ?" He sounded shocked "you sure this has nothing to do with dodging your aunt who's just came back to town"

"You caught me. I'm red handed" she chuckled "no but seriously we should go"

"Alright then. Where should we go".


Stefan came to pick up Gwen at her house. Gwen got a message from Caroline. It seemed like nothing. The two left.

They pulled up to Georgia's lake house "I have not been here for a while" she smiled getting out.

She opens the door and walked in "you don't have to wait out there" she saw Stefan standing there

"Yeah I'm stuck"

Gwen realised "you can't get in. Stefan I can't invite you in, my mum left the house to my dad"

"You're kidding me right ?"

She smirked "Stefan I invite you into this home"

"You are such a lier" Stefan walked in picking her up and kissing her.

Gwen walked outside looking at the lake. Stefan wrapped his arms around her "having a moment"

She giggled "yes a brooding moment where I now become the villain" she said making Stefan laugh "no just like it out here. Joey broke her leg diving off this dock and Sam got yelled at by my mother for encouraging Joey to jump off the dock. I can still remember my mums face when she jumped" she shook her head "so many memories. Do you ever think about our future ?"

"I think there's a lot of conversations about our future. What kind of life we want"

"A box we shouldn't open" she stated

"No we can open it" he replied "whenever you're ready"

"Rather be here with you".

"This is a memory right now" Stefan held her tightly "where your boyfriend whispered he loved you. I love you" he whispered.

Throw went inside as it got dark and Stefan was cooking for her "so Gwen. Tell me about yourself, what's your favourite thing to do when you wanna get your mind off of things"

"I play my guitar. My guitar is my best friend" Gwen looked back at him "my mum taught me when I was younger"

"You have to play for me when we get back. Hold on I'll get more wood"

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