What it really means

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Gwen woke up to turn to look at Stefan who was laying next to her

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Gwen woke up to turn to look at Stefan who was laying next to her. His eyes were still closed "you're staring" he mumbled

"I'm not"

"It's creepy" he replied back

"No it's not!" She laughed as Stefan covered his face with a pillow "that's rude" she says as he sat up and pushed her back into the bed kissing her "this is bad of us"

"It is" he kissed

"If Katherine finds out"

"She won't" he leaned in and kissed her again

"I need to have a shower" Gwen stopped him

"Great let's go"

"Just me" She giggled "do you think it's weird we're going to the Lockwood's today after what happened with Mason ? He tried to kill you"

"I don't trust Mason. I just wanna keep an eye on him"

"Okay" she sat up "then we can't talk or touch and no longing stares. What would happen if Katherine found out about us" she pricked her finger

"You okay ?"

"Fine" she let him drink from her.

"We're gonna get through this" he said sitting up with her. He pulled her into a kiss.


Sam and Gwen went to the Lockwood's. Sam walked up to Carol Lockwood "Carol" he smiled deeply "I am a sucker for this masquerade ball. Have been for years"

"So was my husband" Carol smiled sadly "boys! That's from the 1800's be careful with that!" Carol ran to Tyler

Sam saw Stefan "oh hello Stefan. I'm cooking dinner tonight with Jenna and Alaric, Gwen will be there. You should come"

"Uh me and Gwen are on a little break right now" Stefan said awkwardly

"Really ? Because that's not what it sounded like this morning" Sam tilted his head "you know what I heard nothing, forget I said anything" he walked away.

Bonnie walked with Gwen helping her set up. Bonnie was on ease "Bonnie you have to talk to Caroline somehow"

"Please don't" Bonnie looked at her "I've already lost Caroline I can't loose you too"

Gwen put out her hand "follow me. We gotta talk" she pulled Bonnie away from everyone. She explained the whole Katherine situation.

"Caroline got trapped in the middle of it"

Bonnie sat down "it's not that I didn't know you guys were fake fighting. It was the fact I didn't know you were fighting at all! I know where I stand with vampires and I know where you stand. But where do we stand"

"You are one of my favourite people and you know that" Gwen grabbed Bonnie's hand "but Caroline's really going through it and I think she needs you more then anyone"

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