Thats fun

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In the morning Damon knocked on the door as Gwen let him in "where's your aunt ?"

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In the morning Damon knocked on the door as Gwen let him in "where's your aunt ?"

"I don't know. She took off probably going to drink her way through the day" Gwen looked very pissed "she comes in announces her stay and says that he is going to save me. Bullshit. She probably wants money"

"Are you okay ?" He actually looked concerned

"Yeah I'm fine. More concerned about Sam and Joey" Gwen drunk the rest of her tea "all of these family members keep on coming in and out and they are always out of the loop. But Stefan thinks that Allison is going to help us. He doesn't know her like I do"

"You don't believe her ?"

"No" Gwen denied

"I'll talk to her" Damon began walking out

"Wait I'm coming too" Gwen grabbed her jacket


They caught him at the Grill. Damon and Gwen walked up to her. She was talking to Alaric and Jenna. Jenna smiled "Gwen I didn't know your aunt was back in town"

Gwen gritted her teeth "neither did I. This is Damon"

"Damon Salvatore I'm guessing" Allison shook the boys hand "I'm Allison. You a friend of my Gwen's here ?"

"You could say that".

Damon and her walked away "before you start trying to threaten me" Allison paused him "I've heard your whole look, listen here. Gwen obviously cares for you. Which means I have to try and protect you. But I know vampires, they take what they want. If you want what's best for my niece you won't drag her into any of your bullshit. I need to be able to trust you".


Gwen's phone rang "hey Stefan" Damon watched her as she spoke "what ?" She looked to Damon panicked

She dragged Damon to the bathroom "why am I just finding out about this now ?" Damon said aggravated not knowing about the whole Tyler Lockwood situation

"We were worried you"

"Would kill him ? Of corse. That's what needs to happen" Damon said confidently

"No" She stopped him "not Tyler. Do whatever you need to do to get Caroline back but leave Tyler out of it. Damon he's my friend!"

"Why ? He's a werewolf who needs to die and I'm willing to kill. Win win"

"Damon please" she grabbed him "too many people are dying"

"You need to stop doing that" Damon broke eye contact with her

"Doing what ?"

"Assuming I'll play the good guy as it's you thats asking" Damon smiled

She scoffed "alright don't do it. I'll go instead to save my friend" Damon stopped her "exactly. Be the better man"

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