I came back for you

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Ronnie started walking into the Lockwoods

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Ronnie started walking into the Lockwoods. She looked at Tyler "hey Tyler I'm so sorry man" she shook his hand "Gwen's on her way she says she's been staying with you a lot"

"Yeah Gwen's been a huge help" Tyler nodded "thank you for coming" he smiled as she walked in.

Ronnie heard a bang coming from another room. She saw the doors swing open to reveal Katherine who had Bonnie pinned up against a wall.

"Katherine" Ronnie entered the frame

"Ronnie" Katherine's face lit up

"Leave her alone" She looked serious

"Okay" Katherine let go right away. She walked past Ronnie dragging her finger along her back. Ronnie looked at Bonnie apologetically.

Ronnie followed "what are you doing here ?"

"After the way you treated me last night I thought maybe you'd be nicer to me in public" Katherine stole a drink

Ronnie was trying to keep up "so Elena could walk in at any moment"

"That's the fun of it all" Katherine paused "Damon's here somewhere. I've been avoiding him"

"Hey guys" Matt walked up to them

"Hey" Katherine said linking Ronnie's arm "Matt I heard Caroline's doing much better. Her recovery is pretty much miraculous you must be so relieved"

"Thanks Elena" Matt left

Katherine moaned "his eyes are so blue"

"Katherine can we do this somewhere else" she walked closer "I'm not doing this here"

"Okay. Let's not have a couples fight in front of all of your friends" Katherine pouted "walk with me" she put out her hand

"Why have you come back ?"

"Maybe I missed you" she stated "is that an acceptable reason"

"What game is this ?"

"Why you wanna play with me ?" Katherine got closer

Ronnie shook her head "it depends what are the rules"

Katherine puffed out her chest "no rules Ron. You know that, no rules" she started walking away "now are you going to join me" she put out her hand

Ronnie walked with her. The two walked out into the garden "so I only found out that you were under a witchy spell until a couple years ago"

"And you didn't try and find me ?"

"I didn't know where you were" Katherine said in annoyance "I thought maybe you'd return one day which you did"

"Yep just not in your own hands" Ronnie mocked "I bet that pissed you off. You haven't changed one bit"

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