Stefan's stuck

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Bonnie called Gwen asking her to come over to Elena's

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Bonnie called Gwen asking her to come over to Elena's. She walked in and saw Jeremy, he just sighed at her. She pulled a funny face "what's your problem ? I thought I was your sisters cool friend"

"You are" Jeremy agreed "I just don't understand your suicide mission"

She rolled her eyes "no one does. I'm trying to save all of you"

"What by getting yourself killed ? I don't think that will save us all" Jeremy stated "stop putting others before yourself" he walked upstairs

She knocked on Elena's door "hey you" she sighed "is it just me or does everyone just wanna kidnap me ?"

Elena agreed "I've been told that I'm on a suicide mission. Gwen they don't understand me"

"Me either!" She connected with the girl "they don't understand that I want to save their lives" she shook her head "I wanna save yours too"

"What do you think I'm trying to do for you ?" Elena smiled.

The two walked downstairs "I'm gonna see Stefan" Gwen looked at Bonnie

"No you're not" Bonnie looked her up and down

"She took the moon stone" Jeremy appeared "you two won't give up will you"

"Klaus killed Katherine's entire family because she crossed him I'm not having this happen" Gwen opened the door. It felt like glass was in the way "what did you do ?"

"It's for the best Gwen" Bonnie looked apologetically.

Damon walked in half an hour later. Gwen sat on the sofa pouting. Damon found it very amusing "come on pouty give me a reaction"

"You really think you're funny huh ?" Gwen looked up at him

"Yeah I find it hilarious about having to go to this length to save your life" Damon sat down putting his arm around her "where's Bonnie ?"

"I thought she was with you ?" Jeremy walked in

"Nope" Damon shook his head "she's on moon stone duty and I'm" He titled his head towards Gwen "Gwen and Elena patrol"

"Who's on Tyler ?"

"Vampire Barbies on him. She insisted on it, if he bites her I've got two heavy weights gone" Damon looked at his phone answering it. "Change of plans. You babysit" he said as Jeremy laid on Gwen's lap "hey you should get out enjoy the sun. Oh wait you can't"

Gwen chucked a pillow at him as Jeremy laughed. She pushed the boy off.


At nightfall Jenna came back and was searching through things "great timing Gwen. I'm roped into helping Mrs Lockwood. And by roped I mean happy participant" Jenna shut the door revealing Elijah

Gwen took a step back as the man smiled at her "hey I'm Elijah" he walked up to her "it's a pleasure" he put his hand out

She shook his hand "I'm Gwen"

"Thank you so much for inviting me Jenna. And Gwen I hope to see you sometime soon" Elijah smiled walking out.

Gwen ran upstairs trying to find Elena. Elijah grabbed her hand "what is it ?" Jeremy came out

"Jenna wants help with boxes" she said as Jeremy walked past them.

"Wise choice"

"What do you want ?" Gwen finally looked at him

He put his hands in his pockets "I thought it was time we had a little chat of our own"

The two went into Elena's room "forgive my intrusion" Elijah sat on the window seal "I truly mean you no harm"

"Why did you kill those vampires"

"Because I didn't want you to be taken" He looked at her "Klaus is the most feared and hated of the originals but those who fear him are desperate for his approval, if it gets out that there's a Chambers witch and doppelgänger in the same town they'll take you to him. I cannot have that"

"Isn't that what you were trying to do ?"

"I don't want to break the curse" he said simply "Klaus's obsession has made him reckless"

"Like you ?"

"Not anymore" he denied

"You don't know where he is do you ?" She crossed her arms "you're using me and Elena as bait to draw him out"

"Well to do that I need you to stay out and not get yourself killed" he smiled

"How do I know you're telling the truth ?"

"Well if I wasn't your whole family would be dead and you'd be in Klaus's hands right now" he imitated her "but I'm here offering you a deal"

"What type of deal ?"

Elijah stood up "do nothing. Live your life, I've followed you up and you are quite a girl. You're reckless and witty. Quite like Klaus I may add"

"Oh thank you for saying I'm like this murderer vampire. So what will you do after Klaus comes ?"

"I'll kill him" he said it so simply it sounded like a normal sentence said everyday

She frowned suspiciously "just like that ?"

"Just like that" he agreed "I'm a man of my word Gwen"

"How will you keep my friends safe ?"

"You have friends Bonnie and Ronnie right ? Ronnie is more powerful. My witches will also protect the ones you love"

"You need to do one more thing for me"

"You're negotiating with me ?"

"I'm asking a question that I hope you say yes too because I'm a really good person" she smiled sweetly.


Gwen was finally back in her own home. She saw Stefan in the reflection of her window "hey" he said as she jumped into his arms. She pulled him in and kissed him

"Never do that again" she said kissing him again. She pulled him onto the bed.

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