The real story

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Damon opened the door to see Gwen

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Damon opened the door to see Gwen. His heart dropped. What if she still remembered last night.


"Hello" She smiled "is Stefan here he said it was an emergency" Damon nodded as she walked in

"Hey" Stefan walked down

"What is this about" she got straight to the point. Stefan revealed Rose "you" she looked at Stefan.

Rose took them into the living room and then began talking about a man named Klaus. "Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus" Rose out her hands on her hips

"He's the oldest"

"So what you're saying is the oldest vampire of time wants to come for my best friend and possibly wants to kill me because of I can stop his spell thing" she nodded "sounds legit"

"He might not want to kill you. He might not want you to get in the way" Stefan tried to comfort her

"So a solid maybe" Gwen rolled her eyes "we have many witch friends. Couldn't they all stop him"

"The violet witch is forbidden to break a curse that she didn't make" Rose said strongly "it would kill your friends all together. Your magic is different from the others, it's more powerful"

"Hold on" Damon paused her "why is she called the violet witch ?"

"Because her family come from a long bloodline of them. The violet witches magic is purely chaos magic" Rose frowned "I recognised her purple glow from the minute I saw her"

"Look Elijah's dead so no one knows you guys exist" Stefan sat next to her. He saw the panic in her eyes "he might be some stupid bed time story"

"He's real. And he doesn't give up" Rose argued "if you're not afraid of Klaus you're an idiot"

"Then i'm an idiot" Gwen stood up "I'm gonna go to school. Do something normal in my life" She walked out.


Ronnie and Caroline sat with Gwen. Gwen was explaining everything "so I can't even help you guys ?" Ronnie scoffed "that's unfair"

"Listen you can't say anything" Gwen sat up "it's dangerous as Elena is in trouble"

Gwen started walking away with Caroline "And I should be able to help her" Gwen gained an idea "can you distract Stefan for me"

"What why ?" Caroline frowned

"I need to do something" Gwen stood up "talk to Katherine. She's gonna know what's going on"

"Uh" Caroline stood up "you don't think she'd lie to you and what not"

"She's in love with Ronnie. And I'm very persuasive" Gwen shook her head "maybe I can get some information. Meet me tonight and I'll explain what I've heard" Gwen started walking away

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