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Gwen woke up on a couch

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Gwen woke up on a couch. She looked up to see a man "what do you want ?"

"Sh" he put his hands to his lips

"Please my friends hurt" she looked at Elena who had blood on her shirt from the night previous

"I know. Just a taste" his fangs came out

"Trevor!" A woman walked in "control yourself. You know what she can do" she looked at Gwen

"What do you want with us" Gwen said as Elena woke up

"You'll find out" The woman said as Elena stood up begging for her to let them go. The woman slapped Elena across the face

"Hey!" Gwen stood up and glared at her

"Try and hurt me or my friend and I'll rip your friends heart out" the woman stood closer to Gwen "I've heard of you" she nodded "my names Rose"

"I don't care"

"Of corse you don't" Rose chuckled "I've heard lots about you and your family. You don't let people get in the way. You have a long family history of selfish assholes believe me"

Gwen sat with Elena as they overheard the two talking. They were panicking. Trevor was pacing up and down about a man named 'Elijah'

"Who's Elijah ?" Gwen stood up

"He's your worst nightmare" Rose walked away

Gwen looked at Elena "I'm so confused" she shook her head and whispered "we'll get out of here. You will"

"I won't leave without you" Elena sat "I don't understand why they would want you ?"

"Me either. Maybe I was in the wrong place at the wrong time" Gwen looked at Elena "wait"

She followed Rose into another room "hi" Gwen stood awkwardly "I just wanna ask"

"I don't like questions"

"Well unlucky for you I love them" Gwen shrugged "why am I here ?"

"You're acting like I'm going to tell you" Rose was moving things around

"Well maybe if I annoy you enough you'll start answering. Works like a charm" Gwen walked closer "alright who's this Elijah. Who is he ? He's a vampire isn't he"

"He's the vampire. One of the originals"

"Originals ?" Gwen questioned

"Jesus you'd think since your mother was a smart witch and all the time you spend your time with the Salvatore's you'd think they'd teach you the history" Rose scoffed

"Sorry I'm not a big fan of Count Dracula" Gwen said sarcastically "who are the originals"

"Trevor and I have been running for 500 years. We're tired and we want it over" Rose turned to her "we're using your friend to get out of a mess and hopefully you can be the peace offering"

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