Rose's turn

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"Stefan" Gwen walked into Stefan's room "come on we have school" she couldn't see him "you're right behind me aren't you"

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"Stefan" Gwen walked into Stefan's room "come on we have school" she couldn't see him "you're right behind me aren't you"


Gwen turned around and kissed him. He started leaning her towards the bed "morning"

"I don't wanna be apart ever again" she kissed him again "you're about to ruin the moment aren't you"

"I can't pretend everything's okay" Stefan chuckled "we still have this issue as you being this whole fighting Klaus"

"Yeah well Elijah promised me he'd keep my friends and family safe as long as we go by the rules" she put vervain in her drink

"You mean you play by his rules. You made a deal with him, you should keep your deal"

"I'm not letting anyone get hurt" she drunk a little "are you sure you wanna drink this ? I mean Katherine's been doing this for too long"

"I have too" he snatched the drink out of her hand. He drunk it and started coughing

"How can Elijah compel other vampires ?"

"I don't know. I'll ask Isobel when I ask her" he kissed Gwen and walked out before she could complain about him not telling her the plan about Isobel.


Gwen walked downstairs to see Damon and Rose. Rose had a massive mark on her shoulder. Werewolf bite.

"Could you play babysitter for a little while" Damon asked walking towards her

Rose denied "that's not necessary"

"It is necessary" he grabbed Gwen's shoulders "Gwen here is a do gooder. It's in her nature she just can't resist" he walked away

Gwen followed her "Damon. Is she going to die ?"

"Probably. The wolf bite caused some kind of infection and it's getting worse" he put his hands on his hips "death happens we come we go. The sooner she dies the better" he walked away leaving Gwen shook.

"I hate this" Rose said as Gwen helped her get into Damon's bed "I'm a vampire I haven't had a cold in 5 centuries. We don't get sick, when we die it's soon and sudden and not drawn out by an illness"

"You're not gonna die"

"Such a human thing to say" Rose said. Gwen was looking at her surroundings "you've never been in Damon's room before have you ?"

"No" Gwen looked at his books "I was expecting silk sheets" she sat down

Rose chuckled slightly "you're lucky you know. No one's ever loved me the way you're loved"

"I doubt that"

"Trevor was my best friend. Nothing more. We spent all those years on the run from Elijah I just never thought it was a good idea to set up routes" Rose smiled up at her "the whole idea of a family isn't compatible with being a vampire. Why are you so eager to give up ?"

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